Chapter 494: Completely Forgotten

There was a leafy banyan tree in front of the building where Jasmine Yale lived.

Sylvan Cheney used to park his car there temporarily.

But tonight, he saw a brown Cayenne parked under the tree as soon as he arrived.

Sylvan's gaze hardened slightly as he looked up at Jasmine's apartment.

Despite the lit windows and closed curtains revealing nothing, he knew she was home.

Sylvan stubbed out the cigarette in his hand and opened the car door.

He had just got off the plane and hadn't had time to change his suit and trousers.

Moving with long strides, Sylvan headed upstairs.

His steps were brisk and cold.

His expression was hidden in the endless darkness and was unreadable.

Inside, Jasmine massaged her forehead.

"Miss Yale, once you start down some paths, you can't turn back," Haynes Seasons looked at her.

"I know."


Haynes Seasons didn't say much more. He knew Jasmine was stubborn.

Once she made up her mind, it was unlikely she would change it.