Chapter 496: Almost Strangled to Death by Sylvan Cheney!

He could see that Sylvan Cheney was seething with anger.

Jasmine Yale was no match for him.

"Get out!", Sylvan Cheney glanced at Haynes Seasons!

Haynes Seasons nodded, "Then I'll leave first."

At this moment, Haynes Seasons clearly felt it wasn't suitable to talk with Jasmine Yale too much.

Angry people are irrational, especially a furious person like Sylvan Cheney right now.

He could feel the cold vibe emanating from Sylvan Cheney.

Haynes Seasons grabbed his belongings and scarf, nodded at Jasmine Yale, and left.

Jasmine Yale was choked by Sylvan Cheney, she can barely breathe, her eyes were welling up with tears, her face white as sheet.

She was being choked to death by Sylvan Cheney!

"Jasmine Yale, you're really something. I send Joe Heath away, and right after you hooked up with Mr. Seasons. Well done."

Jasmine Yale couldn't even speak because of him choking her.

Sylvan Cheney looked incredibly livid.