Chapter 502: She is Like a Little Fox

He gave her all the patience and gentleness he had in his life.

"I want to sleep."

Jasmine Yale lifted her head, looking at him pitifully.

After being tormented by him for so long, the effect of the medicine suddenly kicked in, making her extremely sleepy.

Looking at her drowsy eyes, Sylvan Cheney didn't force her anymore, he let go of her.

As soon as he let go, she jumped off his lap and headed straight for the bedroom.

It didn't take long after she climbed into bed for Jasmine Yale to fall asleep.

After eating and taking a shower, Sylvan Cheney laid down and curled himself around her.

She slept peacefully and deeply in his arms, her breathing even.

Sylvan Cheney hugged her in his arms, placing soft, delicate kisses on her forehead, her cheeks, and her neck.

After kissing her countless times, only then did he stop.

Jasmine Yale slept soundly, but Sylvan, holding her, was unable to sleep at all.

She was like a little fox, tempting him irresistibly.