Chapter 509: Want to Forget Me?

Unfortunately, the weather wasn't in their favor.

In the evening, it unexpectedly started to rain. It wasn't a drizzle — the raindrops relentlessly poured.

The winter nights arrived early. By the time Jasmine Yale left her office, it was pitch black outside.

The streetlights illuminated the hazy rainfall.

Christmas was in the air, the outdoor Christmas trees were lit up, looking extraordinarily beautiful.

Jasmine Yale carried her umbrella and left the building.

Just as she got to the road's edge, suddenly —

A black Rolls-Royce splashed through the accumulating rainwater and skidded to a stop right beside her.

Jasmine Yale jumped in shock!

Despite the heavy rainfall, she immediately recognized the license plate on the Rolls Royce!

It was Sylvan Cheney's car.

Jasmine Yale hastily tried to hide.

But before she could get far, Sylvan Cheney opened the car's rear door. Unbothered by the rain, he got out and briskly approached her!

He reached out and grabbed her arm!