Chapter 511: What do you mean by life after life…

The Rolls-Royce sliced through the rain at lightning speed.

Raindrops dripped from Sylvan Cheney's forehead, falling on Jasmine Yale's face.

Her wide eyes blinked absentmindedly.

"You know it all."

"Yes, Jasmine Yale, I do know it all, so are you disappointed? If I hadn't come back that day, wouldn't you have forgotten my name by now? Jasmine Yale, what's my name?"

Jasmine Yale pulled at the corner of her mouth, looking at him.

"Jasmine Yale, I'm asking you - what is my name!"

At this moment, Sylvan Cheney bore a slight look of madness.

It was all her doing.

"Sylvan Cheney, I'm not happy when I'm with you," Jasmine Yale looked at him, lost.

"Those twelve years, was your smile all a fucking pretense?"

He simply couldn't believe her bull crap!

Jasmine Yale fell silent.

It's not the same.

For twelve years, he clearly held all of her in his hands, but she never saw through him.

That feeling was not good.