Chapter 527: Never in a Lifetime

The sun was pouring down.

From upstairs, she saw Joe Heath looking up, waving her off as she left for the office.

With his hands in his coat pockets, his tall frame and handsome face were quite the sight.

Jasmine Yale waved from the window, indicating for him to head back.

Joe Heath saw her gesture and waived back.

Joe felt quite happy inside. In the past, whenever he saw Jasmine off, she never once looked back at him.

But today was different.

She must have also felt his longing for her.

In Jasmine's hand was a cute rabbit keychain, a gift Joe Heath had just given her at the dining table.

The white, cute rabbit was fluffy and adorable, just like a little ball.

The trinket wasn't valuable, but she liked it very much.

Upon reaching her floor, Jasmine received a call from Joe Heath.

"I've left. You work hard. I will also work hard to earn money to support you," Joe said this in an unusually gentle tone.

Jasmine laughed.

She put the rabbit in front of her desk.