Chapter 533: Little Girl, Marry Me

At that time, she seemed to hear his words, relaxed all of her caution, and surrendered herself completely to him.

Jasmine Yale was panicked: "Sylvan Cheney, I don't want this, you are drunk, don't force me..."

Sylvan Cheney was amused by her, where was he drunk?

"I've only had two drinks." Sylvan Cheney explained to her, "Jasy, look at me, ok?"

He lifted up her chin.

Jasmine Yale met his gaze and saw an endless depth in his dark eyes, a sight she didn't understand.

She defiantly turned her head, but it was forcefully held in place by him.

"Jasy, don't reject me."

Having said that, he kissed her lips again, his hands never ceasing their movements.

Because he had stood too long in the rain, his fingers were icy cold. When his hands touched Jasmine Yale's skin, she couldn't stop shivering from the cold.

In the small bedroom, only their breaths remained, faintly palpable.

This time Sylvan Cheney was stronger than ever, not intending to let Jasmine Yale go.