Chapter 2

"Umm...I'm Cain. Who are you?" Cain asked while lowering his guns, but not putting them fully away.

"Misa Yusk Carr. Hello there wasa doin in thisa forest?" The Gungan asked.

"I'm...lost. I can't figure out where I am." Cain said after some thought.

"Yousa lost? Misa can help you with no problem. Yousa on Naboo!"

Cain was happy that he finally knew what planet he was on, but he still wondered the year so he could know what was happening in the galaxy.

"Do you know where the nearest settlement is?"

"Hmmm...Misa can't bring yousa to secret Gungan him-wait misa just kidding, no secret settlement in the lake!" The Gungan said as he waved his hands to deny even mentioning the secret Gungan home.

"Ok, calm down. Do you know where the other native Naboo settlement is?" Cain asked after finally calming down the hysterical alien.

"Yes! Misa has a map just for yousa!" The Gungan exclaimed while pulling out a piece of paper.

"Um...thank you," Cain said as the excited Gungan shoved a piece of paper into his hands.

"No problemo, misa happy to help! Have a nice day!" The friendly Gungan said as he walked off into the woods.


After the Gungan was gone, Cain realized just how innocent and friendly the Gungan people were. Gar-gar Binks was a perfect example of the rest of his species, although he was probably a lot more clumsy.

Cain opened the map and saw the nearest settlement. Seeing that it wasn't that far away Cain followed the map and began his march.

As he walked Cain suddenly realized that his age might be a problem if he suddenly appeared in town. Thinking of a situation Cain asked the system a question.

"Can I buy a mask or helmet to hid my age?"

[Store Function is still Locked.....but, for 500 System points Locked function can be a bypass, only for this one occasion]

"That's great! Do it." Cain replied to the System.

[-500 System points]

[Beskar Helmet acquired]

After putting on the helmet, Cain put it on to hide his face. As he continued to walk through the forest, Cain continued to juggle a rock with the Force.

For hours Cain continued to walk and exhausted himself while practicing his Force abilities. Just when Cain was about to drop he finally saw the first sight of civilization. Dropping the rock he was mentally holding up Cain let out a heavy sigh.

[Force Level: Youngling(48%)]

[Force Power: Telekinesis(100%)]

[Skill Upgrade: Force Power: Telekinesis(D)]

[Stat Increase: +1 Stamina, +1 Strength]

Cain was excited that his skills and stats had increased, but was extremely fatigued since he still had the body of a child. Wandering into the town settlement Cain saw that there were guards but they let Cain in after only glancing at him.

Exploring the town Cain quickly found the Naboo citizens. From humans, twi'leks, rodians, and even some big furry creature Cain never seen before.

Following the group of people, Cain quickly found a bar that served food. Quietly sitting at a corner table, Cain listened to the conversation in the bar to finding out more information about the galaxy.

"My ship needs a new converter.." "...grrrrrrrr" "...Amidala was a shoo-in to be elected."

While listening to the multiple of people in the bar, Cain finally heard a clue to what was happening in the galaxy. Listening closely he focused on the information about Amidala.

"Even if she's young, she got the majority vote of the planet and has pretty good ideas." A human said to a green rodian that sat at the bar next to him.

"I hope your right, but I heard there's been some talk in the Galactic Senate about a force opposing Naboo. I didn't know for sure though, but if it's true then we're in some trouble." The Rodian said while taking a sip of his drink.

After listening to the people at the bar, Cain finally found out what era he was in. He was somewhere before the Padme was elected as Queen, and just before the Trade Federation blocked Naboo.

Happy the Order 66 and the Clone Wars have happened yet, Cain suddenly realized that if he plans everything right then he could stop the destruction of the Jedi Order and the creation of the Empire under the Emperor's rule.

Lost in thought, Cain barely noticed the waitress that was standing in front of him.

"...What do you want?" The impatient teenage human waitress asked.

"Umm...the special?" Cain said uncertainty.


Thinking about what he wanted to do with his new life, Cain knew he wanted to learn about the Force and get a lightsaber, but didn't want to become a Jedi or even a Sith. With all the emotional and physical pressure that came with being under an Order, this didn't appeal to Cain at all.

He came to this universe to go on adventures and explore the galaxy, not be a virgin monk under the control of the Senate.

And one of the best ways he could explore the galaxy was to become a Bounty Hunter.

Although Cain didn't want to kill, he still wanted to help the galaxy the best he could without siding with the Jedi or the Separatists. By becoming an outlaw he could save people without restrictions and use his own methods.

"Here you go." The waitress said as she set down a bowl of what looked like chicken soup.

Thanking the girl, Cain reaches into his inventory and paid for the food while tipping the waitress. Surprised the waitress smiled happily, as she accepted the credits and walked away.

Cain began to eat the soup and was surprised at how tasty the weird-looking soup was.

As he ate his green soup, Cain began to think about how he could he become a Bounty Hunter even more famous then Boba Fett, Jango Fett, and Cad Bane combined.

With the System and the Force, Cain knew he needed to train his ass off if he wanted to be a powerful Bounty Hunter, but he had a chance to become something truly powerful.

After he finished his food Cain silently made his way out of the bar since he received most of the information he needed. Cain walked away with a full belly and decided to look for a hotel to stay at.

While Cain asked for directions to a hotel, he suddenly saw someone getting harassed in an empty alleyway.

In the alleyway there were three people, one was a small Human, a fat Snivvian, and a small being in a cloak that covered their face.

"...Just give it up buddy. We get your credits, you get to leave with your life." The human threatened as his buddy held a blaster at the small figure.

"I don't have anything." The cloaked figure said in a surprisingly high voice.

"Just by your clothing, I can tell you have a credit or two. So cough it up or this is about to get ugly."

Looking around Cain noticed that no one was going to help the figure, it seemed like this was a normal occurrence in this area.

Taking initiative Cain slowly crept in the shadows of the alley and prepared to do something incredibly stupid. Sneaking up behind the large Snivvian, Cain focused on the Snivvian's gun while he pulled out his own pistol.

After a second of concentration, the blaster flew out of the alien's hand. Unprepared for the fast approaching pistol, Cain was nailed in the head with the heavy pistol.

"What the hell!" The alien suddenly yelled as he turned his attention towards Cain.

Shaking off his pain, Cain quickly pulled the trigger of his pistol and shot the Snivvian in the thigh. Seeing his friend being shot, the human was about to pull something out of his pocket, but Cain quickly shot the thug in the shoulder.

Surprised that his shots actually hit, Cain rushes forward and grabbed the hand of the robbed figure. Running down the alleyway Cain could hear the angry cries of the injured men.

Not taking a second to look back Cain kept pulling the robbed figure until he found an empty corner.

Taking a breath Cain released the hand of the person he just saved and began to turn around.

"Hey, are you-" Cain said, but stopped halfway when he noticed that the hood of the figure had fallen off as they ran away.

Once the silk hood was removed the face of a pretty young girl with long curly hair, honey eyes and clear white skin was revealed. As Cain stared at the girl's face, he suddenly realized who he had just saved from those thugs.

"I thank you for helping me," Padmé Amidala said as she smiled at Cain with gratitude.