Chapter 4

—4 Months Later—

Preparing his black Beskar body armor under his guards uniform, Cain strapped on his twin pistols, knife, and belt of grenades while preparing to leave. Cain, before leaving his room opened his status to check the progress he's made these past few months.


Name: Cain Addams

Race: Human


Force Level: Padawan(48%)

Strength: 15

Agility: 21

Stamina: 17

Intelligence: 28

Wisdom: 29

Skill Points: 4


Meditation: A

Battle Instinct: A

Force Power: [Telekinesis B, Mind-Trick C, Precognition B, Body Enhancement B, Telepathy C, Heal C, Empathy C]

Swimming: C

Gun Mastery: B

Hand Combat: C

Blade Mastery: C

Mechanical Mastery: B

Piloting: C

Jet-Pack Mastery: C

Lightsaber Forms: Form I: Shii-Cho(42%)

Languages: Galactic Basic(100%), Binary(80%), Huttese(50%)

For months Cain had been training with Captain Tanaka to become skilled enough to fully protect Queen Amidala. By doing strenuous exercise and intense training Cain had reached, and even surpassed Captain Panaka's expectations. Besides training physically, he had also learned about other languages, cultures, and proper etiquette with Sabe.

When he wasn't training or learning anything new Cain usually hung out with Sabe and either talked or walked around Naboo with one another. This was something that not only Captain Panaka teased Cain about, but even Padme and the other handmaidens brought this up any chance they got.

With the help of the System and the Force, Cain had diversified his skills while largely increasing his stats. By increasing his stats, Cain hit a much-needed growth spurt so he didn't seem like a joke while standing next to the other guards.

Although not at the level of moving moons and bringing down Star Destroyers yet, Cain had the strength to lift multiple men in the air, but not for long. He even discovered how to fight by enhancing his body and reflexes to move at incredible speeds.

Cain still hasn't shown any of his abilities to the Queen or anyone else, although he had a suspicion that Captain Panaka knew but just didn't say anything, especially about the jet-pack Cain acquired through seemingly questionable means.

Walking out of his room, Cain walked through the hall and looked up to see Captain Panaka nearby. Jogging ahead Cain walked alongside him as they both made their way towards the Throne Room.

"Morning, Cap." Cain greeted happily.

"Huh...morning." Captain Panaka replied tiredly after taking a deep sigh.

Since the last few months that Panaka trained Cain, they've developed a much better relationship. Although Captain Panaka would never admit it, he secretly thought of Cain as a little brother and hoped he would one day make a name for himself.

Entering the throne room, they were both greeted to the grim faces of the 'Queen' and her advisors. Behind the 'Queen' were her handmaidens, that silently grouped together.

"Greetings, my Queen." Cain and Captain Panaka said together, while Cain gave the 'Queen' a secretive wink.

Nodding her head in greeting, the 'Queen' nodded her head as her lips twitched slightly, as she tried to ignore Cain.

"We must not let them bully us." One advisor said.

"The Trade Federation has been breathing down our necks for years, when will they act?"

"They have already heavily taxed and controlled our trade in the system. What can we do to stop them without the Senate's interference?"

As he listened to their bickering, Cain suddenly realized that the events leading to the Phantom Menace were beginning soon, very soon.

"But what about-..." an advisor began but was interrupted as a servant came into the room.

"Your Majesty, you have a transmission from the Senator."

"Patch him through." The disguised Queen replied.

"Hello, Your Majesty." Senator Palpatine said as he was projected in the middle of the room.

Seeing the secret Sith Lord appear, Cain held his breath and hoped to any god out there that his mind couldn't be read.

Watching the seemingly frail old man, Cain knew he wouldn't have thought that this man was a Sith Lord if he didn't already see the movies. Palpatine was a world-class actor that carefully schemed, controlled, and destroyed most of the Galaxy and all while barely lifting a finger himself.

As the group continued to speak about the politics regarding the Trade Federation, suddenly Palpatine's holo-image began to flicker, before completely disappearing.

"What is happening?" One of the advisors said loudly.

"Check the Transmission Generator." Captain Panaka order another guard as he turned towards the Queen.

"You know what this means; first interrupting transmission, then they invade. This is clearly the work of the Trade Federation." A fat advisor said toward the Queen.

"The Trade Federation would never do something so brazen, they would be in direct conflict with the laws of the Galactic Senate."

"We need to continue negotiations." Said the Queen.

"Negotiatons? We haven't even heard a single word from the Chancellors ambassador's." An advisor said.

Suddenly feeling danger, Cain realized everything was in place for The Phantom Menace to begin.

Starting with the Trade Federations Blockade and then the two ambassadors, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Sidious would then use this conflict as a turning point to practically declaring himself Chancellor and lead the Senate, all while the Clone Wars will soon begin in less than a decade.

"Your Majesty our Forces cannot handle an invasion force this big without preemptive ac-" Captain Panaka started but was interrupted.

"I will not lead my people into a war with the Federation." The Queen replied passionately.

Quieting from the Queen's declaration, everyone slowly dispersed as the Queen and her handmaidens left together.

Alone with Captain Panaka, Cain looked solemnly out the window as they noticed invasion ships already landing on the planet.

"What will we do?" Cain asked Panaka, as he knew that they couldn't defend nor run with all the forces already on the planet.

"We pray that the Senate comes," Panaka stated grimly while staring out of the window, and at the invading forces.

Scoffing quietly to himself, Cain walked away to prepare himself for the upcoming battle. He knew that he wasn't skilled enough to face, for example, Darth Maul but he could provide support and deal with a good amount of droids.

Going back to his room, Cain quickly reaches under his bed to grab the Jet-pack he's been working on to practice his Mechanics and Flight skills.

Although he has the Force, Cain always dreamed about having a Jet-Pack, so after unlocking the Store Function he bought a Jet-Pack and practiced when everyone went to sleep.

Placing the Jet-pack into his inventory, Cain reached for another weapon he bought, but this was the most important yet. Taking a stupidly large dent of Cain's system points, but it was fair for its price.

In Cain's hand was a completely black metal cylinder with a guard. There was a silver switch on side of the weapon that activated the saber.

Activating the weapon made a single white plasma blade shot from the guard of the blade. In from the hilt, a black blade shot out, and there was a bright white outlining the inside of the lightsaber.

Instead of buying a normal lightsaber, Cain decided to diverse himself from the Jedi's and Sith. So when he saw this lightsaber he immediately bought it and started training it after buying the knowledge of the first lightsaber form.

The special effects of this lightsaber were that it was a replica of the Tarre Vizsla's lightsaber, the first Mandalorian to be in the Jedi Order. This blade was just like a normal lightsaber, but it reacted to its user emotional state by emitting electricity and could be used to draw other lightsabers to it like a magnet.

Throwing the rest of his valuables into his inventory, Cain walked out of his room just as a group of guards ran down the corridor.

Following them, Cain soon found that the Queen and all of her advisors were already being held at gunpoint by battle droids. Sighing in frustration, Cain dropped his gun and surrendered.

Joining the others while held hostage, Cain saw that Captain Panaka was standing next to Padmé, the 'Queen' and her advisors while looking at the droids with contempt.

"The Federation made its move?" Cain questioned.

"This will not stand when the Senate hears of this..this grave offense on The Naboo," Padmé whispered harshly.

"The people will be just fine, I can feel it," Cain replied while giving her a small smile.

Looking at Cain strangely, Padmé only

nodded her head and returned a smile.

After rounding up all of the guards, the droids seemed to receive an order to escort them to be held somewhere else. As the droids took Cain, some guards, the Queen and her handmaidens outside, Cain suddenly felt a presence.

Smiling to himself, Cain nudged Captain Panaka and signaled him to be prepared. Confused, Panaka still kept himself alert for whatever might happen.

Then suddenly from above a green and blue blur appeared as they began to slice through the droids. Acting quick Cain pulled two pistols from his inventory and threw one to Captain Panaka. Aiming at the two droids behind the group, the red lasers made quick work of them as they tore through their robotic head.

[2x Battle Droids defeated(+20)]

Turning back around Cain saw that all of the other droids were either shot or sliced in half by the two Jedi.

As the Jedi deactivated their lightsabers, they stepped in front of the group and introduced themselves, but were slightly interrupted as Jar-Jar Binks fell from the ledge.

"Your Highness, we are the Ambassadors, for the Supreme Chancellor." Qui-Gon Jinn said while putting his lightsaber away and ignoring the clumsy Gungan.

"Your negotiations seem to have failed, Ambassador." A fat advisor stated while glaring at the Jedi.

"The negotiations never took place. Your Highness, we must make contact with the-" Oui-Gon Jinn started, but was interrupted by Cain.

"They've knocked out all our communications. But we have transportation in the main hanger. This way." Cain said quickly while leading the entire group towards the hanger as alarms began to blare loudly.

When they arrived at the hanger after separating as some of the advisors chose to stay, Qui-Gon took the lead when he saw a group of droids by the ship.

"Where are you going?" The commanding droid asked.

"I'm Ambassador for the Supr-." Qui-Gon started but was interrupted as Cain suddenly rolled a small electrical charge in the middle of their group.

Short-circuiting almost all of the droids, Cain proceeded to destroy the rest of the droids as the guards and Jedi joined him.

[7x Battle Droids defeated(+70)]

After all the droids were defeated everyone quickly board the ship, but Cain caught Qui-Jon looking at him.

"What that really necessary?" He asked, but was smiling slightly at this rambunctious Naboo guard.

"You were taking too long, got bored. Seem like a good plan at the time." Cain stated simply while smirking as he walked onto the silver ship.

".....And you say I need to learn patience." Obi-Wan joked to his Master.