Chapter 13

Although not expecting the Jedi to actually take his suggestion seriously, Cain was lead to the cafeteria by Qui-Gon as he and Obi-Wan left to speak privately.

Being left by himself in the large dining hall, Cain decided to follow his stomach as he grabbed himself a plate from the service droid that was dispensing food.

Taking his plate to an empty table, Cain noticed that he was receiving stares from the others already eating their own meals. From what he could tell there were Jedi, Padawans, and Younglings all eating together in the cafeteria.

Ignoring them for now, Cain deciding to practice some of his skills while he ate his food, and he chose to focus on his Force Sense ability while staring down at his plate.

Pushing his ability to the limit, Cain could feel and see the presence of every other Force-Users in the room.

Some glowed brighter than others, and few barely glowed at all from what Cain could sense. Figuring this was their midi-chlorian count, he decided this was a useful ability to see if someone was Force-Sensitive or not.

Cain continued to spread his presence outside of the room, to the surrounding temple.

Like a ghost moving through the air, Cain felt himself drift around the temple as he continued to explore it freely. As he moved to a room, Cain suddenly found the library.

Gliding past the rows of books, he soon saw a locked vault that seemed to be holding something important.

Just as he was about to make his way towards the vault, Cain felt a tugging sensation on his body.

Opening his eyes and canceling his ability, Cain looked up to see that there was someone trying to get his attention.

Sitting in front of Cain were two Padawans, judging by their braids. It was a blue twi'lek boy and a human girl with blond hair. They seemed to be a little older than Cain himself, but because of his height and growth rate, he seemed older than them.

[Skill Upgrade: Force Power: Sense(C)]

As Cain was looking at his new skill upgrade, he completely ignored the people in front of him.

"...Hmmm?" Cain hummed in response as if questioning them.

"We asked, who are you? You are most certainly not a Jedi, nor a Padawan. And you seem a little old to be a Youngling. So why are you here?" The twi'lek repeated in annoyance.

Already annoyed by the Padawan, Cain took his time finishing his food before even answering the boy. Cain ate his food the slowest he could just to annoy the boy, as his temper seemed to grow every second Cain still continued to ignore him.

As he was finishing his food, the boy was about to speak but Cain simply held up his hand to stop him.

Grabbing a napkin from the table, Cain proceeded to spend as much time as possible clearing his face of all crumbs.

Finally reaching the end of his fuse, the boy stood up and banged his fist against the table.

"I am a Padawan of the Jedi Order! I demand that you-." The boy exclaimed but was interrupted as the girl next to him pulled him back into his seat.

"What he means to say is, welcome to the Jedi Temple. My name is Shanan Peavskil, and the hothead next to me is Kon." The blond Padawan said while introducing herself and the twi'lek.

Finding her attitude much better than the boy's, Cain smiled while finally placing his napkin on the table.

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Cain Addams." Cain greeted Shanan with a smile.

Seeing that the mysterious boy was finally speaking, Shanan smiled and was about to ask another question, but Kon interrupted her.

"Why are you here?" Kon demanded.

"I'm here with Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan. We were meeting with the Jedi Council and they wished to speak privately." Cain said, finally answer the boy.

Both Padawans seemed surprised that Cain mentioned Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan names.

"Why would you be with them? Last I heard, they went on a mission as ambassadors for the Chancellor. They were negotiating with the Trade Federation on something to do with Naboo." Kon questioned, not believing Cain in the slightest.

"I am a guard of Queen Amidala of Naboo. I'm simply here to give my view of the mission to your council." Cain stated.

"So you know what's happening on Naboo right now. We haven't received any information, and the Masters won't tell a Padawan. So..." Shanan said while hoping that Cain could give them some information.

Smiling, Cain finally figured out why they bothered him while he was eating. As he looked around, Cain could see the others sitting at a table nearby were hoping to hear anything from Cain.

"As much as I would love to share everything I know, I must sadly depart," Cain said quickly while standing up from the table to dispose of his plate.

"Wait!" Kon and Shanan both exclaimed.

Stopping, Cain grinned to himself and turned around.

"All I can say is that things will be changing very soon," Cain said mysteriously while trying to give the Jedi in the room a warning of the impending conflict.

Walking out of the cafeteria while leaving behind a group of confused Jedi, Cain went to the room Qui-Gon instructed him to go to after he finished eating.

Entering the barren room, Cain locked the door and sat in the middle of the room. He decided to use this precious free time to practice his Force abilities as the Temple offered an amazing bonus.

Deciding to do something potentially stupid, but that will definitely help in the long term.

Cain then pulled out a vibroblade from his inventory. Grabbing the handle of the silver knife. He then sliced the blade across his right palm.

Wincing in pain and regretting this decision completely, Cain quickly activated the one Force ability he was trying to upgrade.

[Force Heal Commencing]

Staring at his bleeding palm, Cain could feel a prickling sensation as his hand glowed a soft white. The cut slowly stitched itself back together as the blood receded back into his hand.

Letting out a deep breath, Cain raised his blade and began grinding his healing ability again.


[Skill Upgrade: Force Power: Heal(B)]

[Force Level: Padawan(92%)]

[Stat Increase: +1 Stamina]

Lying exhausted on the floor, Cain threw the bloody blade back in his inventory as he stared up at the ceiling. He regretted trying to grind this skill, and vowed to never try this method again, or at least not for now.

After getting some of his strength back, Cain got right back in the grind of practicing his skills.

Standing up from the floor, Cain stretched his arms before taking off his shirt and tying it around his eyes. Once Cain was prepared he reached into his inventory and pulled out his lightsaber and a marksman-H combat remote.

Grabbing the metal handle Cain activated the lightsaber, as a sharp black laser shot out from the hilt while throwing the orb in the air as it floated.

Stepping into the only stance he knew, Cain began to practice Form I: Shii-Chon as marksman orb began shooting harmless lasers. With the help of the Force to see and sense the laser, Cain either dodged or blocked the lasers.

Flowing through the unpredictable style of Form I, Cain weaved and constantly changed his footing as the difficulty continued to rise.

This was Cain's favorite part of using a lightsaber. It just feels so liberating to block, weave, and redirect lasers. For awhile Cain's only focus was listening to the whispers of the Force as he finally deactivated the orb by deflecting a laser straight but at the orb.

Letting out a deep breath, Cain unwrapped the shirt off his eyes to see that it was completely dark out. Realizing that he had been practicing for way longer than he thought. Cain was even more shocked to see how much his percentage in Form I increased.

[Lightsaber Forms: Shii-Cho(87%)

[Stat Increase: +1 Strength]

Although Cain only practiced this form when everyone in the palace was asleep, it never increased by so much so quickly.

Thinking about the sudden increase in percentage, Cain figured that it had to do with the temple's added bonus and his advance in Force Sense.

Finally too tired to train any more Cain put everything inside his inventory, and dragged himself to the attached bathroom. After washing up and changing his clothing, Cain suddenly heard a knock at the door.

Open up the door, Cain turned to see an exhausted-looking Obi-Wan standing at the door.

"What happened to you?" Cain asked the disgruntled Padawan.

"It's been a very..., very long day. Anyway Qui-Gon asked me to come and get you, it seems like the Queen wants to take back Naboo." Obi-Wan said while letting out a deep sigh.

"Let's go then," Cain replied while walking out of the room.

Walking through the temple and to the platform, Cain saw the silver Naboo spacecraft with its hatch open.

Before entering the ship, Cain prepared himself mentally for the battle with Darth Maul and began his plan to save Qui-Gon Jinn's life.