Chapter 21

Standing by himself on the rooftop of the tallest buildings on Coruscant, Cain watched as thousand of hovercars moved and weaved passed each other.

Thinking back to the men he just killed, Cain felt no pity for them but he realized that his emotions were completely out of control. Whenever he even used a slightly Dark ability, he just gets so angry and loses control of all his actions. Thinking about a way to solve this, Cain suddenly remembered he had an amazing resource just waiting to be used.

"System. Is there a skill I can buy to stop myself from going out of control?"

[Possible Solution available. Would Host like to purchase skills(Mental Shield)&(Breath Control)?]


[-1,000 System Points]

[Skill:Mental Shield(D)Learned]

[Skill:Breath Control(D)Learned]

From the System, a stream of knowledge on protecting and calming the body flew into Cain's mind. Mental shield increased Cain's resistance to foreign influences and Breath Control would help calm and control his body. Both skills were helpful when separate, but when used together they help to harmonize the mind and body together.

Happy with these new skills, Cain quickly got to work upgrading them so he could use the Force without turning into a psychotic killer.

Kneeling down on the roof of the building, Cain closed his eyes and began to meditate while training both of his new skills together. Stilling his body Cain soon found a calming rhythmic pattern to breathe and emptied his mind of all thoughts.

Feeling calm and losing all sense of time Cain continued to practice his skills in peace.

Hours quickly passed as the light left the sky, but Cain was as still as a statue. With his armor and helmet still on, Cain looked like a powered down droid while he meditated.

As the sun began to slowly rise on the capital of Coruscant, Cain was finally beginning to break out of his self induced meditative coma.

[Skill Upgrade: Mental Shield:(C)]

[Skill Upgrade: Breath Control:(C)]

As Cain opened his eyes he could see that the sun was just beginning to rise. Realizing that he's been meditating for the entire night, Cain quickly stood up from his kneeling position.

Knowing that Shmi was probably going to wake up soon, Cain began to walk to the edge building. Leaning off the ledge, Cain dropped face-first off the side.

Falling fast through the air, Cain spread his arms to stop his momentum. He was exhilarated by the free fall, but he didn't want to die just yet. So he quickly raised his wrist and activated his jet-pack.

Blasting back into the air, Cain's free-fall was stopped as he balanced himself. After hovering in the air for a few seconds Cain then shot forward heading back towards the shop but made a quick detour to pick up his ship and put it into his inventory.

After picking up his ship from the spaceport he then launched himself through the air at high speeds and quickly made it back to the shop.

Cain landed in front of the shop to see a droid with a carriage of floating boxes behind him. The boxes were large, almost the size of Cain himself.

"I'm here to deliver the requested goods to this shop." Said the small droid.

"I'll take them," Cain said immediately.

"Oh..umm..alright then." The droid said unsure, but still accepted the payment for the goods from Cain.

Taking the train of large boxes into the shop with him, Cain quickly opened them. Inside the box was everything that Shmi would need to start up the shop. From weapons, countless materials, tools, and even a few helper droids for maintenance and assembly.

The amount almost seemed excessive, but Cain decided he should be thankful for Padmé's influence.

Sensing that Shmi was still asleep in her apartment, Cain got to work unloading everything. He also activated the droids to help with assembling and unloading.

For a few hours Cain with the help of the droids, completely furnished the front of the shop and the back work area.

After working for so long Cain let out a sigh and took a step back to stare at his hard work.

The once barren shop was now completely furnished and presented a classy environment.

On display, there were mostly some weapons and appliances, like com-links and blasters. While in the back most of the materials ordered were kept for Shmi to repair and assemble whatever she wanted or whatever a customer needed.

"Cain! Are you here..." Shmi called out as she came down from her apartment, but trailed off as she saw the newly furnished shop.

"Looks pretty good, huh?" Cain said while grinning.

"I-it's..amazing! How did you get all of this done?" Shmi said in disbelief.

"The supplier was eager to send everything we needed after hearing we're friends with the Queen of Naboo."

"With all of this, we can open the shop in a few days!" Shmi exclaimed with excitement.

As Shmi continued to run around the shop, Cain decided to change out of his armor and moved towards the bathroom.

Removing everything on him, Cain changed into a gray robe and black body armor. After changing he moved towards the back of the shop to speak with Shmi. Since he already helped set everything up for Shmi, Cain needed to do something for himself.

"I'm gonna be gone for a few days. Just contact me if you need anything." Cain said to Shmi.

"I'll start up the business while your gone," Shmi replied absently, while distracted from everything in the work area.

After giving Shmi some credits, his com-link frequency and the supplier's, if she needed anything else. Cain then left the shop in the care of Shmi.

Heading out once again, Cain decide that it was time to take Yoda's offer. The offer to be trained by a Jedi Grandmaster was too good to not take it, so it was either now or never.

Taking an air taxi instead of his jet-pack, Cain made his way towards the Jedi Temple. Already slipping his lightsabers in his inventory for the security check, Cain prepared himself as the giant temple came into view.

After paying for the taxi Cain made his way towards the guards protecting the front of the temple.

"Halt! State your business." The armored guard yelled.

"I'm here to visit Grandmaster Yoda," Cain said immediately.

"Stop joking. Not just anyone can enter the temple. So get out of here before-," The guard said, and tried to dismiss Cain but was interrupted by his com-link.

"...Never mind. Pass through the security check." The guard said quickly, allowing Cain to walk forward.

Surprised by the guard's sudden change in attitude. From his com-link message the guard received, Cain guessed that Yoda already knew of his arrival and told them to let him in.

After being thoroughly scanned and checked for weapons or bombs of any type, Cain was finally allowed access to the temple. Walking into the beautifully crafted temple Cain was slightly confused about where he should head to until he heard a voice.

"Here, I am. My voice follow. Yess."

Knowing that voice anywhere Cain immediately followed Yoda's guidance, as the Grandmaster was mentally leading Cain to his location.

As Cain walked through the halls of the Temple he passed by many Jedi, but they didn't seem to notice him. With so many Jedi in the Order, Cain wouldn't be surprised that some members never even met one another.

As Cain began to walk towards a more deserted area of the temple Yoda's nudges finally stopped at a door.

Entering the room, Cain was greeted to Yoda sitting by himself on a cushion in a spacious room.


Following Yoda's command, Cain sat down on the cushion in front of him and crossed his legs.

"I've come to be trained in the Force," Cain said immediately to the Grandmaster.

"Hmmm....why else, to cook learn you wish herh herh," Yoda joked as he looked at Cain's bewildered expression.

"I can't cook to save my life, but I would very much like to be trained as a Jedi," Cain replied with a grin.

"A Jedi, you wish to be trained as. Why?" Yoda suddenly questioned.

" learn about the Force?" Cain said, unsure of himself.

"Much to learn you have. Very much." Yoda mumbled as he stood up from his cushion and made his way to the center of the room.

Following after Yoda, Cain quickly stood up and faced the tiny alien. Standing together in the middle of the room Cain waited patiently for Yoda to speak.

"Know what of the Force, do you?" Yoda asked Cain.

"It an energy field that surrounds every living thing. Force-sensitives, Jedi, can control and harness this energy if they have enough midi-chlorians," Cain recited from memory.

"Well informed, you are. But more to the Force, there is." Yoda said as he raised a single hand in the air.

Suddenly lifted into the air by Yoda, Cain kept his composure but was surprised as Yoda somehow started floating too as he crossed his legs.

"The Force, more than the energy it is. It is a Will. It surrounds and penetrates, all life it does. Bonds the Galaxy together. The balance between Light and Dark is what Jedi strive for," Yoda explained passionately.

"How is there balance though? If the light overpowers the dark, or the dark snuffs the light?" Cain questioned the Grandmaster.

"Only the Force, there is."

After saying this Yoda dropped to the floor and let Cain fall too.

Catching himself before hitting the ground, Cain looked up to see Yoda holding his lightsaber.

"Begin, your training shall," Yoda announced as he activated his green lightsaber.

Slowly standing up Cain reached into his sleeves, then went and grabbed his lightsabers from his inventory. Unleashing both his black and white sabers Cain could see that Yoda seemed slightly interested but otherwise unfazed.

Getting into stance, Cain moved into a more defensive position. Looking towards Yoda, Cain found that the little green alien was already gone. He quickly searched around, but then sensed a presence behind him.

Turning around Cain could see that Yoda was already behind him and had his lightsaber against Cain's back.

"Watch carefully, you must,"

Spinning around Cain swiped at the small Jedi, but his attack was effortlessly blocked. Cain continued to strike at Yoda but his attacks were all nimbly dodged.

"Sloppy, unfocused you are," Yoda commented.

"And too fast, you are," Cain grumbled under his breath.

Raising his arm Yoda casually pulled both of Cain's lightsaber into his waiting claws.

"That was pointless. I already knew you could kick my ass." Cain said in frustration.

"Pointless, it was not. Shown how much you have to learn, it has," Yoda said snapping Cain out of frustration.

Throwing the lightsabers back to Cain, Yoda raised his own lightsaber and motioned with his claw.
