The Warmth of the Family

"Pain can motivate you to progress, but it can also darken your heart...! So be wise 😇


"Okay, please sit down, grandma will make coffee for us," The grandmother said and stood up.

 "Let Achiera do it, Grandma!" Achiera ordered.

 "No need, just accompany your boss to talk, he has come a long way, don't ignore him," The grandmother replied without looking back.

 A few moments later the grandmother came with coffee in her hand.

 "The coffee is ready to be brewed, please drink it," The grandmother said as she put the coffee on the table.

"Oh yeah, this is just ordinary coffee that I made myself using an old manual grinder, maybe the young master won't like the taste because this is just a concoction of the result of this old granny," Grandma continued.

 "Grandma, just call me Hans, not young master," Hans replied softly as he sipped his coffee.

 "Wahhh ... delicious taste. It's my first time drinking coffee with this delicious taste. Is it true that you made it yourself?" Hans asked earnestly.

 "Ah ... son Hans, you must be kidding, this is just a concoction of the hands of this old man, there is no way to beat the concoction of a great compounder that you usually drink," The grandmother replied modestly.

"Yes, I know several types of coffee that are blended with machines and expert people, but this coffee made by grandmother is really very distinctive in taste and delicious, I've never tasted coffee this good, the combination of coffee to sugar is just right," He explained.  Hans was honest.

 "Thank you then. This old grandmother is really moved," The grandmother replied.

 And that afternoon was warm for Hans because he had not felt the warmth of a family for a long time.

"Because it's already noon, it's time for lunch. Son Hans, have you had lunch? Grandma happened to have cooked," The grandmother said in the cracks of their laughter on the afternoon that day.

 Achiera quickly wiped her grandmother's words.  "Grandma, he's not used to eating simple meals like the ones we currently serve, so there's no need to offer him to eat."

 "That's right, Grandma is too presumptuous. Forgive this grandmother, son Hans," The grandmother said while slightly lowering her head.

 Hans was dumbfounded to see the actions of Grandma who lowered her head towards him, making his concerned soul burst out.

"Grandma, what are you doing? You don't have to bow down like that," He said, immediately waving his hand as a sign of rejection.

 "Grandma doesn't need to listen to Achiera, of course I really want to taste this grandmother's cooking, where else do I want to eat, right, here is far from restaurant, so I'm very happy to be fed by grandma," He said with a big smile.

 "Well then Achiera and Ferisha will prepare the food," Grandma said, laughing too.

Achiera and Ferisha immediately went to the kitchen and was immediately followed by Kaili while shouting, "Wait, I can also prepare the food,"

 They enjoyed this simple meal with great joy, a sense of family that was evident even in its simplicity.

 Seeing that, Hans who had not felt the intimacy and warmth of the family for a long time, immediately remembered his happy childhood, when there was his mother and father who completed his childhood.

But all those fond memories soon disappear once Stevanus Gray (Achiera's father) seized all the happiness and replaced it with the endless suffering that Hans felt since his childhood.

 Stevanus Gray brought down his father's company to unmanageable losses, resulting in bankruptcy.  Due to the bankruptcy, Hans mother left Hans and his father in a slump and lived with a rich man who was a friend of Stevanus Gray.  And the man who had taken Hans's mother, pushed his father from the 30th floor of his father's former company building called 'HM group' right in front of Hans's eyes.

 Little Hans who was only 15 years old at that time could only cried while calling his father.  There were emotions that cannot be channeled at that time.

Since then, Hans had to try to support himself, no matter how hard life he had passed, even fighting over food with a few dogs had become an important habit he could eat.

 All of his suffering started from Stevanus Gray, who helped this rich man to seized his mother and property and made the HM Group company had a bad value in society.

 Made his heart hard, even harder than stone and filled with the burning vengeful flames.  With great effort and determination to take revenge, he also has lived until now.  Even when he was 20 years old, he managed to raise the HM group and turned it into "MATTHEWS GROUP" within 3 years and succeeded in bringing it to the international level company in the 5th year he was in business.

He, who was filled with revenge when he started his business, did not forget to roll up, clean, there was no leftover of Stevanus Gray's company, which had been his dream and motivation since he was a child.  And fate sided with him, without the touch of his hand, Stevanus Gray's wife died of illness and according to the news he received, Stevanus Gray who loved his wife so much could not accept death divorce from his wife, made him drunk and died.

 'But who would have thought, the daughter of Stevanus, whose interest in me had no more interest in taking revenge, came alone and messed up my cooperation contract which I had prepared for 1 year.  Generating a grudge that I have long forgotten,' He thought.

Then he glared at one by one the children of his old enemy, namely Achiera and Ferisha, who were laughing happily while eating.

 'Achiera, this suffering you've been through hasn't been comparable to the one I've endured since I was 15 years old.  Even those of you who have lost everything can still enjoy the intimacy of a warm life from family while I'm just alone,' He thought.

 He was angry and furious, to the point that the chopsticks he was using split in half because of his hatred.

"Son Hans, what's wrong? Why did the chopsticks break?" Grandma asked who broke Hans's thoughts from his past.

 "Look at your bloody hand," Ferisha said.

 Seeing the blood that splattered from Hans's hand, swiftly Achiera immediately got up and ran to pick up the first aid kit opposite them near the drawer.

 "What are you doing? Even just eating, chopsticks can break!" Achiera said and immediately bandaged Hans's wound.

"I don't know either, I really enjoy the food, maybe," He said, squinting one eye.

 "You....!" Achiera said, her cheeks flushed red, her eyes met Hans's sharp blue eyes that blinked one side.

 "Actually, I was reminiscing about my past. I haven't felt the warmth of the family like I saw and felt for a long time, I am very jealous of you Achiera, and you are very lucky," Hans replied with a sad expression.

 Achiera was silent at Hans's confession, as a woman who also loved Hans, the pain in Hans's heart could be felt by her.


"Ekhemm, what are you dreaming about?" Ferisha who just entered Achiera's room asked.

 "You just come in and already teasing me," Achiera pouted.

 "You must be daydreaming about Hans, right?"

 Kaili, who had just arrived, immediately replied.

 "What the heck are you two, hurry up and go ....!" Achiera expelled.

 "It seems like you really love the young master, juat look at your action earlier who immediately took the first aid kit, it's clear!"  Ferisha teased as she fell on the bed.

 "Little children don't need to know that, you better do well on your school," Achiera said avoiding the topic of discussion.

"Why do you even avoid our words? It's not hard to answer!" Kaili said while sitting on the edge of the bed.

 "Hey .... what are you two? Only could teasing me!" Achiera screamed while throwing pillows at the two teasing girls.

 "Aih aihh shame .... look Ferisha, your sister's cheeks are flushed," Kaili continued, laughing.

 "You two ... hurry out ..!" Achiera screamed as she covered her face with a pillow.

 Hans, who had heard and witnessed the jokes of the three young women, laughed sarcastically, his heart was satisfied to see Achiera's response.

"All my plans will run smoothly. Achiera ... poor your fate, don't blame me but blame yourself for being too naive!" Je said slowly and satisfied

 In the midst of their struggle, Hans came and knocked on the door.  Instantly the three of them stopped and looked at the door together.

 "Sorry to interrupt, but that ... grandma called you, Achiera."

 "Oh well, I'll be right there," Achiera said, leaving immediately, not forgetting that she mocked her friend and sister by sticking out her tongue.


"Grandma, Hans said grandma called me? What's wrong?" Achiera said as soon as she reached the living room where her grandmother sat.

 "Yes, please go to the market, accompany Son Hans to buy some groceries, because Hans said he wanted to cook something for us tonight."

 "Ha ...? Do you want to cook?" Achiera asked in surprise.

 "Do you mind?" Hans asked, glancing at Achiera.

 "I'm here to ride, I can't just eat here for free, I feel bad," Hans continued again.

 "Yes, it's up to you, you are the most correct," Achiera replied, "Yes, come on," Achiera continued and left.