Hans Sick~~

But it's not easy for someone to give heart to another people again after being hurt, I'm one of them.


"Why can you come out ..?" Nila said, shocked when she saw Achiera going down the stairs.

 "Weren't you locked up above? Who let you out of the room?" Nila asked, no less surprised.

"Master forbid you to come down, why are you so stubborn?" Nila continued to ask.

 Achiera ignored every astonished question from Nila, and continued walking down the stairs.

"Hey ... I'm talking to you!! Why don't you answer? Are you deaf?" Nila screamed after waiting for a response but Achiera never responded.

 "You are not me, and I am not you who is a servant. I am Hans's woman, so as his woman, Hans gave the keys of this house to me, isn't that a natural thing? No exception to the servant's room key which means your room." Achiera replied arrogantly but sharply.

"You ....? How dare your dirty mouth insult my profession." Nila screamed, getting more emotional.

 "Do I look like I'm insulting? Isn't it true that you are just a servant?" Achiera sneered with a sinister smile that raised one corner of her lips up and glanced at Nila.

"Even though I'm just a servant but everyone also knows that my position is much higher than you!" Nila said while controlling her emotions.

 Once again Achiera ignored Nila's words by choosing to sit at the dining table.

"Hey why don't you answer? Do you now realize that I am indeed far superior to you who is just a cheap woman?" Nila sneered and chuckled.

"But unfortunately, my position to be a cheap woman is what you really want, right?" Achiera replied derisively, and casually brought the rice into her mouth.

 "Hahaha .... proud of you who are only sleeping companions, when he gets bored, he will leave you and he will realize that I am better than you." Nila said, mocking her back.

"At least that's what you want, you are the only heir in the Johnson family but you chose to work as a maid at Hans's house. You think I don't know your motivation other than want to crawl up on Hans's bed." Achiera said, smiling sarcastically while narrowing one eye.

 "But sadly, Hans didn't even glance at you. Instead, he chose me, a woman who is very far from the class below you. I do not deny the possibility that Hans will leave me one day, but at least, I have made my beautiful story with him. That's what you really want, don't you?" Achiera  continued.

"You bitch, don't pretend to feel great because you've slept with Hans. He just hasn't seen me, after that he'll wake up and throw you away." Nila said while getting closer to Achiera.

"With what are you going to conquer him? Crawling up on his bed? Hey, Miss Jonhson family heir, unfortunately, only to touch his clothes or let you keep staring at him you are not allowed, especially if to sleep with him." Achiera replied boldly.

 "You ... !!! How dare you ... !!!" Nila screamed, she couldn't hold back her emotions anymore.

"Am I not right? Ask your heart, to be honest you are very jealous of this ordinary woman, right, but you can not afford that's why you always bother me!" Achiera said while laughing with amusement.

 "Well, I think being me is the dream of every woman in this F country, because I am the only woman Hans brought home and lived in his house. Not only that he even cooked for me, always spent time with me, and he also took care of me when I was sick. Like I said earlier even though I was abandoned by him at least I have a very beautiful story with him. I feel lucky for that." Achiera continued smiling sweetly remembering her memories with Hans.

"You stop to exalt yourself in front of me, you don't deserve that!!" Nila said emotionally by pointing her index finger right on Achiera's face.

 "You ... let's carry her upstairs, because she supposed to be locked there."  Nila ordered her fellow servants.

Hans who just arrived and heard Achiera's last words made his heart immediately excited again and forgot his pain.  Somehow he felt very happy hearing Achiera's words, so he reflexively spoke in defense of Achiera;

"How dare you touch my woman? I'll fire you right now and make you unable to work anywhere." Hans said coldly while enduring the pain.

 Instantly all of those in the room looked at the source of the sound that was preventing them.

"S-Sir ..." Nila said nervously.

 However she immediately neutralized her nervousness and continued saying;

 "Achiera broke your rules, she came out of the room, even though the master had previously warned that she could not come out of the locked room because she was at her punishment. And I warned her but she got angry with me." Nila continued, whining.

"Achiera .....? How great are you to her by her name, who allowed you to call her that? If you call me sir then call her mistress." Hans said angrily to Nila.

 Nila gasped at Hans's words and nervously said;

 "Si ... Sir, what do you mean ....?"

Hans ignored Nila's question and hurriedly walked closer to Achiera then hugged her, releasing all the pain on Achiera's shoulder.  Achiera was shocked and wanted to release Hans's hug, immediately before that happened Hans quickly said;

 "Don't let go, let me hug you for a moment. I'm in pain." Hans groaned.

"Hans what's wrong with you?" Achiera asked curiously, she hugged Hans back and spoiled Hans's back gently while she occasionally glanced at Nila with a mocking look.

A few moments after that moment, little by little Achiera felt something on her shoulder, the place where Hans put his head was wet, and it was getting more and more wet.  The liquid that soaked Achiera's shoulders was getting a lot and more fishy, ​​without stopping it continued to flow through Achiera's clothes until it hit her skin.

"Something's didn't add up." Achiera muttered in her heart, she pulled Hans who was leaning on her shoulder facing towards her front to see Hans's face and find out where the fishy-smelling liquid had come from.

 "Oh God Hans .... what's wrong with you?" Achiera asked when she saw Hans's face which was covered in fresh blood coming out of his forehead.

"Liu, what is this? What happened to him? Why is he bleeding?" Achiera asked to Liu after waiting for Hans for a while but there was no answer or response.

 At that time Hans looked very weak and powerless, his eyes closed as if he had passed out.  Without waiting for Liu's answer, Achiera immediately continued to say again;

 "Liu, help me bring Hans upstairs." Achiera asked.

"Norman, please call the doctor! Hans is bleeding, he needs doctor's treatment."  Achiera continued to Norman, who had helped Liu support Hans walking to the house after getting out of the car.

 Liu immediately stopped Achiera by saying;

 "Sorry, Miss Achiera, but boss Hans has bad memories about doctors, so he wouldn't want to be handled by the medical," Liu said.

"Liu, what's on your mind? He's bleeding a lot from his forehead, he needs immediate medical treatment to find out how he's doing." Achiera said while helping to carry Hans to the room.

 "Yes, I understand, but didn't you also know that treatment carried out with a sense of tension would worsen the patient's condition?" Liu asked.

"Ok, I understand, but at least Dexter can do it, right? Dexter is his best friend, maybe he will feel more relaxed if the one handling him is his friend." Achiera said, not wanting to stop.

 "Whoever it is a doctor, the boss will not be comfortable doing treatment with them. I have been with the boss for a long time, so I know exactly how the boss behaves." Liu said, continued to refuse.

"So what do you think we should do? The wound needs to be treated so it doesn't get infected!!" Achiera said again.

 "Let's just leave the boss in the room first, then we'll think about how to deal with it, Miss."  Liu finally continued because he also felt a little dizzy because of this.