A pedophile

"You started from a love which has now become addictive for me."


 Leo entered when Hans was about to get closer to Achiera again and immediately sneered at Hans all out.

"Geez, this pendofil is getting worse and can't control himself," Leo sneered, making Hans and Achiera fall silent.

 "Do you think someone's make over is easy that you can easily destroy my masterpiece, just because you can't control yourself?"  Leo continued with a sneer.

"Too bad, I never make over someone so I don't know it's tiring or difficult things," Hans replied briefly.

 Achiera who heard Leo's sneer immediately lowered her head, she felt very embarrassed.  As a woman she should be able to hold back and make her look a little more valuable.

Leo, who realized that, immediately subsided and stopped sneering at Hans, focusing his goal that he only wanted to sneer at Hans and not Achiera.