
If you asked me to save you, I would do anything about it.  However, on the contrary, it was your love that kept you by his side.  What can I do about it?  Separated you from your love?  Can I, if you just won't?

 Steven Scott-


 Flasback On-

 "Steve ... you have to remember our promise. Achi will be your bride someday. You have to come to propose to Achi," Little Achi said, when Steven was about to return to his country.

 "Yes, you are waiting for me at the first place we met, okay?"  Steven replied, stroking the tip of little Achiera's head.

"Yes, you have to come with a beautiful dress designed by your own when you want to propose for Achi. Achi will wear it on the day of your proposal," Little Achiera asked.