The Prince of flamingo

"Ma and Pa, my purpose in coming here is to introduce my future husband. Soon Achiera will get married. I still remember once when father told me that one day a prince will come to propose to me. A prince who really loves and cares about me. Papa said, at that time, you will let go of your little angel. But you and mama go, before I can step on the altar walk while holding your hand and hand me over to the prince who is waiting in front of the altar." Achiera continued, letting out her sadness, tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Papa always said, that the son of papa's friend would be the only man who could take care of me well, who would care and love me. But I always refused to marry him, and it's better to marry a prince-"

 Achiera stopped her from saying that she didn't want the super jealous Hans to find out about his childhood love.

 For a moment, Achiera was silent, remembering her story with Steven whom she called the prince Flamingo.