Childhood Friend

"Even if you come back, it won't change everything, my childhood friend!

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 "Hello… Kaili. Hey!" Achiera called many times to bring Kaili back to her senses.

 "A-achiera?" Kaili said as she woke up from her wandering thoughts about the events that night between Dexter and herself.

 "What do you think? I've called you many times!" Achiera protested.

 "There's something on my mind, and I'm thinking about it."

 "What is bothering you?" Achiera asked curiously.

"Because father did matchmaking for me, I suddenly remembered the matchmaking in your childhood," Kaili said, she deliberately pulled the question so that Achiera wouldn't ask too many questions about things that made her daydream.

 "Something insignificant! Why do you think so much about it?" Achiera asked, bitchy.

 "I was just thinking, what if your childhood match comes while you're already going to marry Hans?" Kaili asked.