Brave Achiera.

"Be the reason people choose to believe in kindness~~❤️"


"If not Hazel, then who is the new enemy? If it's the kidnapper, of course they have already called us for ransom, but until now there has been no call." Hans was furious, he really couldn't wait long.

 "Boss, calm down. We will try to find Miss Achiera, make sure she is safe and secure."  Liu calmed Hans.

 "Liu ... you know clearly, I don't like words, I like the results more!"

 "Fine, Boss. I understand!" Liu said, he went to continue the search for Achiera.

"Achiera…. Where are you?" Hans groaned, he was deeply involved in pain.  "I'm so worried? I won't calm down before I see you," Hans added, he almost burst into tears.

 "This wound of my hand is not as painful as my feelings are worrying you!" He said, looking at his hand that was badly injured from hitting the wall and edge of Hazel's bed.