
Love is blind.  It is true.  But love also knows which way to go back home.  Love will not be blind for that!

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Hans walked into Achiera's treated room.  The woman was not as pale as before.  Hans pulled out a chair and sat beside Achiera, the woman who managed to make him worry.

 "You're a very strong woman. I'm very grateful to have you," Hans said.  In the next second, he grabbed Achiera's hand.

 Only now can Hans breathe a sigh of relief, since earlier he was very upset because of Achiera's disappearance.

 The touch of Hans's hand, made Achiera wake up.

 "Honey, have you realized? Sorry, I bothered you," Hans said when he saw Achiera who slowly opened her eyes.

Achiera smiled, her smile now looking brighter because her face was no longer pale.

 "How do you feel? Where is it uncomfortable?" Hans asked.

 "No. I feel very well now," Achiera replied with a smile.