Stevens go!

I already knew that from the beginning the path I had taken would have no end! But stupidly, I stay on this path, the way to get you!

~~~ ••• ~~~

"Yes, madame, that's right. Why do you look so surprised?" the household assistant asked?

"No, I'm just trying to remember. You just put the medicine on the table," Achiera ordered kindly.

"But Madam, I have not prepared the dosage of your medicine as recommended by the doctor.."

"It's okay. I'll do it myself. You go."

"Eh -"

"It's okay. Trust me."

"Hemp... Alright. Thank you, madam. I put your medicine here and this is the food you ordered. Don't forget to eat it," the household assistant said and left.

"What was I thinking? The voice wasn't Hans's voice. I was just hallucinating," Achiera said to herself, then ate her food.

~ ~ At Steven's residence ^

"Prince, all has been prepared according to your direction," Andi reports the results of his work.