Obedient man!!

"Of course not. But—" Achiera paused her words.

"But what?"

"But ... But where are we going to go on a date?" Achiera asked.

"We will go to the mall, shopping, then have a romantic dinner. Watching movies or playing, it's up to you. The most important thing is your happiness." Hans said.

"Do you agree?" Hans asked one more time.

"Hans ... It's not because I don't want to. But you should see the condition first! My leg is still injured, and I still find it difficult to walk perfectly." Achiera said regretfully, this is the first time Hans asked her out but the condition didn't even allow her.

"Stupid! How come I marry a stupid woman like you!" Hans said flatly.

"I asked you out and of course I must have thought of anything, including your injury. So, why are you still questioning about that?" Hans explained.

"So what should I do?" Achiera asked.