Center of attention

After put on the disguise, Hans carried Achiera out of the car. After since they got out of the car, the visitors of the Theme Park have focused their attention on the lovers. Which they thought the couple was amazing as well as made them jealous.

"Look at that couple, they seem to love each other. Especially the man, just because he wants to make his woman happy, he's willing to take his woman to this crowded playground so he can make her happy." One of the visitors said.

"Ouch, that couple is so harmonious. While my boyfriend? He didn't even want to help me to stand up when I was sick." The other said.

"Ouch look at that, the weather is as bright as their love. It looks like the universe is supporting them."

"They really make me jealous! I want to have that kind of boyfriend, who's able to give his true love."

"Where can I find that kind of man? To the end of the world where can I find such love?"