
The next morning, when Hans woke up he realized that Achiera was not beside him. He looked at his watch, and it was very early in the morning, which was only 06 Am.

"Where did Achiera go?" Hans asked himself while rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Then he got out of bed wanting to find Achiera.  The first place he searched was the bathroom, but Achiera wasn't there.

Quickly, Hans went downstairs to check if Achiera was downstairs or not. When he was still walking down the stairs, he saw Achiera who was busy making cakes in the kitchen.

"The more I'm afraid of losing it, the greater my suspicion. Gosh, what am I doing? Such an innocent girl won't betray me," Hans said to himself then went to meet Achiera.

Slowly, Hans hugged Achiera's waist from behind, making the girl jump in surprise.

"Hans ... You startled me!" protested Achiera.

"It wasn't me who surprised you, but yourself," replied Hans innocently.