Crazy things that never happened

Hans brought Achiera into a house on a beautiful island.

 While Achiera was still in her dreamland, she suddenly felt that something was bothering her. It was a very familiar feeling, and it aroused her passion.

 With a heavy sigh she opened her eyes which were still sleepy, and saw Hans playing on her nipples, while she was bare-chested now, because Achiera was only wearing a button up shirt, Hans only needed to unbutton her shirt.

 Achiera groaned at the pleasure she was accustomed to getting from her husband.  She aggressively pulled Hans's head while arching her back, giving him more access to continue his pleasurable assault.

 "You're awake ..." said Hans, Achiera just nodded while still hugging Hans's head against her chest.

 "Do you know, you will kill me if it continues like this," said Hans panting with need.

 His warm breath brushed against her cool skin, making Achiera even more excited.