Our story on beach

 "Your mouth is getting sweeter, I know I'm very beautiful, and I'm also very sexy. You falling in love with me is not a new story, anyone will definitely fall in love with me." Achiera replied, no less arrogant.

 "My mouth is getting sweeter and you are getting more arrogant! Where could you even learn speaking all these rancid words?" Hans said, and he was really a little annoyed by Achiera's words because he really realized that everything Achiera said was true. In fact, that was what always scared him, if at any time there was a man who managed to make Achiera fall in love and leave his side.

 "From who else, if not you. You were my greatest teacher in all things," said Achiera looking annoyed, of course that was the annoyance caused by herself.

 "In everything? Is that what I taught you? Oh right, I remember now. I taught this ignorant girl about making love and even made her very naughty now, who even dared to rape me," said Hans shamelessly.