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Hans almost chuckled when he saw Achiera's action, it was so cute that he couldn't bear to bite Achiera's pouty lips because he felt that she would be disturbed from her sleep.

 Ignorantly Hans took his cellphone from his pants pocket. Then still keep pinching the tip of Achiera's nose, so that Achiera continues to do her adorable rejection action. He was planning to shoot a video of Achiera.

 And it was true, Achiera did the action just like earlier and even now she rubbed her own face, and Hans let out a laugh.

 Hans's laughter woke Achiera and Hans quickly turned off the video so that Achiera wouldn't see it.

 In her half-consciousness from the sleepiness, Achiera saw that Hans was already on the edge of the bed.

 With a lazy tone, Achiera said;

 "Hans, you always disturb my sleep."

 "Wake up lazy queen!!! it's already night, imagine how many hours you slept," said Hans then pulled away Achiera's blanket.