Kitchen situation

"Your cooking is very delicious, please make it for my breakfast tomorrow," asked Hans.

 "Is that right?" said Achiera excitedly, she forgot her annoyance.

 "Hum hum ... Really good," said Hans again, even though only Hans knew himself how this food actually tasted. Everything was not cooked perfectly, even the side dishes still smelled raw, but in order to make Achiera forget about her annoyance, he was forced to praise the woman's job.

 "Ekhem .... I am indeed a wise woman with a genius mind, I only see that your weightless Video and can imitate it even better than your cooking," said Achiera arrogantly.

 Hans almost burst out laughing at Achiera's confident words, but he didn't want to add to the annoyance for his little wife's heart.

 His wife was now almost the same as him, full of pride and self-confidence.