Something bad Happen to Company!

 "Damn you who dared to disturb me, I will not let you get your wishes fulfilled, you are just a coward, who fight without showing your face, and you think I will submit to you?" said Hans to himself, he clenched his fist then rubbed his hold.  held the emotion in his heart, and the veins in his eyes were very clear and red.

 The Hans's devil side woke up,

 "I'll face you, so you know who your opponent is!!" murmured Hans.

 Achiera woke up and saw Hans's face filled with unperturbed anger, his eyes were very scary and dark.

 "Hans what's up?" asked Achiera panicking.

  Hans hugged Achiera as hard as he could until Achiera could barely breathe.

 "Hans what's up??" said Achiera again.

 "Hush don't move, I need to rest a bit. And, I need you beside me, let me hug you," said Hans, and continued to hold Achiera firmly as if he wouldn't give Achiera any space to escape, and would tie her by his side.