A man come?

 When Liu worked for Hans, Liu was determined to pay back all the money he got from Hans for his mother's treatment, but Hans refused, proudly saying;

 "It was my money that I spent on my own accord and I would never take it back!!"

 Yes ... Hans was really arrogant, and Hans was also aware of it. As the catchy phrase, if not arrogant is not cool!

 Since that day, Liu was determined to devote himself wholeheartedly and faithfully to Hans. That's the reason why Liu wouldn't even hesitate to sacrifice his life to show his loyalty to his notorious boss.

 Hans sure was notorious for being cruel to everyone who tried to betray him, he wouldn't hesitate to destroy that person's life. But if people could see him behind his cruelty, there was a lot of goodness in Hans. The key to be with Hans was just to be loyal to him, then you could taste all the goodness in this world.