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 "Nadine, I also need to apologize specifically for you, because your reputation is almost at stake. I really don't know how it would have turned out if this continued, even though I believed I could save myself, but honestly it would be difficult to  improve your current reputation," said Hans.

 "Mr. Hans, it seems like it became easier for you to apologize after marriage, it turns out that your wife's influence is very big on your personality. Don't worry, even if my reputation has to be at stake and can't be saved, I will never blame you," Nadine replied, holding Ken tightly.

 "Because from the start, this is just a win-win reciprocation without commitment between us. So you don't need to feel that way," Nadine continued.

 "You're too sincere Nadine, everyone who is loyal to me will always get rewards, I can garuantee that," said Hans.