Meet Kaili's parents

 Mrs. Goh hugged her husband, as if she wanted to transfer the remaining power of hers. She knew her husband, the weakness of the man she loves was their baby daughter.

 "She will be strong, because she has a strong papa," that was the only thing Madame Goh could say because she felt she needed to support herself.

 Before Kaili was announced safe, before the operation was successful, before the bed was transferred to the ward, and even before Kaili regained consciousness and could call her mama again, which mother's heart would be calm?

 Not only Kaili's parents, Dexter was also struggling to save Kaili. Over and over again he was drenched in sweat, whether it was because of his worries or because of his inability to see the woman he loved lying helplessly. But what was certain was that right now he was struggling to do the best he could.