Kaili situation

"Yeah right, you can confirm it with the doctor," Stella Goh continued.

 "Achiera, I has called you repeatedly since Kaili's accident, and we also called your husband's residence but your housekeeper said you weren't there."

 "Yes uncle, I went to grandma's house and only found out about Kaili's condition after Hans called me, the place was of very poor reception, so it was a little difficult to contact me while I was at Grandma's place," explained Achiera.

 "What's the matter, uncle?" asked Achiera.

 "I was on a business trip due to an important issue, but when I heard that Kaili had an accident, I came back straight home without completing work there, while your aunt also had to work. Can uncle and aunty ask you to accompany Kaili here for a little while??" asked Richard.