A pile of trash is useless

"It doesn't promise anything Achiera, she don't like me," said Dexter,

 "She doesn't dislike you either, but she still doesn't realize it. So when she realizes, you guys try to be close to each other," explained Achiera.

 "How can I have the courage to see her, lest she hated me so much after that night's incident. Which woman wouldn't hate the man who raped her?" thought Dexter

 "You think about what I said, being together with Kaili will not disappoint you," said Achiera again.

 "Thank you for supporting me," replied Dexter politely.

 Meanwhile, Silvia, who had been looking for Dexter, decided to go to Kaili's ward, she saw Achiera and Dexter chatting with each other.

 Silvia's emotions got the best of her, she harshly said;

 "Who are you? Why are you talking to my future husband?" asked Silvia sharply.

 Achiera was astonished, and frowned,