Photo of Kaili and Dexter.

Silvia, who heard Hazel say her brother, Dexter's name, immediately stopped her intention of getting into the car. She turned around when Hazel had just taken three steps away from her.

 "Hi, wait ... !!!" screamed Silvia, but Hazel didn't respond to the call and instead walked over to the place where her car was parked.

 "Uh, that woman, why are you walking so fast!" clicked Silvia, she immediately went after Hazel.

 "Hey, wait a minute! You didn't hear me, did you?" called Silvia, she kept trying to catch Hazel.

 "Huh !! You stupid woman, now you just know how to find me?" murmured Hazel to herself and kept going.

 "I know, this woman must be doing it on purpose!!" cursed Silvia.

 After arriving at her car, Hazel remained very casual. She still ignored Silvia who was trying to chase after her.

 When the distance was close and Hazel opened the driver's door, Silvia let out a loud scream.