Had been well calculated

Everything had been well calculated by Hans beforehand, they had indeed devised a plan B if Liu was caught. That was, they will pretend that Hans would ignore Liu and label Liu as a rebel.

 And Wanda who participated by pretending to be angry to the point of leaving Hans. Fortunately everything happened as planned.

 When Liu tried to seduce JW's company secretary and ventured into the woman's house, Hans had already considered that Liu shouldn't go alone.

 Hans asked his men to follow Liu and implant an invisible tracking device in the car that took Liu so that they would not lose track.

 Actually from the beginning Hans did not allow Liu to do such a dangerous act, but Liu was a loyal person who was willing to help Hans even with any consequences, he was able to do it for Hans, his boss. And Hans had also prepared everything so that Liu wouldn't get hurt.