Connecting ladder!

 "Correct!!" said Hans and he immediately brought the cast tool back to life and began drilling in the middle of the floor.

 And it was true, when Hans drilled the center of the floor which was an equilateral square (rectangle) a strong consecutive sound was heard. Liu was instantly excited to hear this, until they heard the sound of 'clack' with great impatience. Liu immediately checked the hole that Hans casted.  Of course, after the concrete cast tool was turned off.

 "Boss ...," screamed Liu loudly, "Look down, it is very dark and if you directed a little light into this, you can see a ladder. "

 Hans smiled when he saw Liu who was getting excited again, with no less enthusiasm Hans said: "So what are you waiting for? Let's lift it up, it won't be a trouble anymore," said Hans.

 "Hey everyone here ...!" Kennedy called the members of his gang.

 "Yes, boss?" asked one of them.