Kaili's second operation

Dexter: "Rest, you've been struggling to keep her company all this time, I know you're very tired. You don't have to come now to see her, here are her parents who are accompanying Kaili."

 Achiera: "But I need to see her, I need to know her condition. It's too hard for me to accept, didn't you say that she would recover and be able to come back home soon? Why did this happen? Who did it?"

 Dexter: "According to the people who were around the park at that time, it was most likely that she slipped, the accuracy of where she was sitting was sloping ground, so her wheelchair was moving fast out of control until she fell and hit the wall."

 Achiera: "I'm not sure, someone must have pushed her. Kaili is such a smart woman, she wouldn't swing the wheelchair all the way--"

 Suddenly, Achiera stopped her words.