Harmony in the morning

"Husband... the one who will always eat his wife's leftovers!!"

 -Achiera Grey-

"I-is there such a wife? Why is there such a bad wife?" Achiera said, acting ignorant.

 "Emp, she's really very bad! And what kind of punishment should he give her?"

 Achiera tried to get up. "Honey, that's none of our business!"

 Hans kept pushing Achiera, until the woman fell again on the bed and was locked by Hans again. If just Hans's hands locked Achiera's body, then both of Achiera's feet were also flanked by Hans with his feet.

 "Of course it's our business, because what I'm talking about is you. How long will you pretend not to know? Do you think I'm interested in discussing other people's business?"

"M-me?" Achiera pointed at her nose.

 "Still playing dumb?" Hans teased.

 "You slander me! How could I do something stupid like that. You know I really love you, so there's no way I deliberately pretended to be sick to make you suffer."