Planned suicide!

Achiera, again and again, persisted in silence. And Hans could only surrender without pressing.

"Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Or, you want me to cook for you?"

Achiera immediately turned back to look at Hans, this time she smiled sweetly as she nodded. Maybe it was the influence of the baby who liked Hans cooking, so it made her act differently than what she had planned.

'It's okay, just a smile won't fail my plan,' Achiera thought as she realized her reflex attitude.

Hans was very happy to see Achiera's cute smile that was so radiant.

 "What do you mean?" Hans cane closer, he lured Achiera to talk to him.

Achiera again closed her mouth tightly.

"Okay, I'll buy food for you. Wait here." Hans deliberately pretending not to realize Achiera's intentions. There is no other way, Hans can only do this for Achiera to talk to him. He missed Achiera's voice very much. Missed her coquettish tone.