Ending (14)

"M-me?" Steven pointed at his nose.

"I see your appearance is very cool, from top to bottom, everything you wear is limited edition stuff, but only to provide nutrition to your wife, you can't?"

"Emp ... I'm sorry. I will take better care of her. How is her child?"

"Her son was born perfect and healthy, but because he was born prematurely, he had to enter the NICU and stay in the baby's warmer for 2 weeks. However, it was different from her daughter."

"Daughter? How many children are there?" Steven was amazed.

"Haven't you ever had an ultrasound? You don't even know that your wife is pregnant with twins? You're really too much!" The doctor snapped again viciously.

'Damn Hans, because of you, I got scolded by this doctor. You are so incompetent !! All these admonitions are for you! ' Steven thought.