Bonus Chapter 04^

Ruan immediately left without a word.

 "You ... what are you doing, you bastard !! You stole my first kiss!" Ferisha shouted and immediately got up from Leo's chest.

 "First kiss? Did that man never kiss you?" Leo asked.

 "Huh! What do you think I am, carelessly kissed by men?" Ferisha answered.

 "No wonder it feels good!" Leo teased.

 "You bastard ...! You have stolen my kiss and you are still commenting on it! I will never sincerely take my kiss by you, return my kiss!!" Ferisha screamed, she continued to struggle.

 "Return your kiss? What a great idea!" Leo immediately took Ferisha's hand and kissed her again.

 "How? I gave it back, right?"

 "Give it back, your head! You kiss me again, the first kiss, the second and the third you grab me, I will never be sincere !!"

 "Not willing? Then, what would you rather if that man kissed you earlier? Who didn't even respect you at all!" Leo sneered.