Finish, ending ^^

Hans grabbed Hazel's shoulders. "Very well, according to your request!" Hans replied.

 "Liu ... ask everyone to come out, and let your mistress come inside," Hans ordered Liu, who had been there to greet his boss.

 Liu was astonished.

 What else will boss do today, Liu thought, but even so, he still brought Hazel inside.

 Hazel was amazed when Hans called her a mistress. Well that's what she wanted.

 I'll be the mistress, Hans is very easy to manipulate his love and desire to have children, Hazel thought.

"Madame ... this way please!" Liu said again, because Hazel didn't move.

 "Eh ... sorry!" Hazel said, and followed Liu's steps.

 "Everyone ...! Please come out, let Mrs. Hazel come in!" Liu ordered his people.

 The people came out. "Haaa? There are only 2 people? I think a lot of people will gather," Hazel said.

 "Two people are actually too much, one person is enough to wipe out Zyan," Liu said cruelly.