2.3 | Pre-Dive Pt. 3: Customization

Kraniel materialized a handful of water in his hands as he let it drip unto my forehead.

[Crusader Saruquin, I give you my blessing. In this realm, you shall be reborn as a new man.]

As he said that, a catalog of various outfits and body modification settings suddenly appeared in my vision.

[This is cool. Let's see here… wow, they got everything!]

It was the most sophisticated customization feature I've seen in a game. I can change my race, age, gender and physical features in the most detailed way possible.

I opened the slider for my age.

The number was currently in my early 20's, so I slid it up to the late 20's.

As I did, I felt a gradual change in my body. In a matter of seconds, I grew at least ten inches in height and a new beard instantly grew on my face.

It was a completely new sensation for me. It's as if I had somehow transformed into another person.

I began feeling my beard with my hands. It was fuzzy.

[Virtual reality is awesome.]

I said with a deep voice that seemed to be not mine.

I see. This is how I'm going to sound like a few years from now.

In terms of character customization, the game's possibilities are endless.

There were other sliders too that I could use if I wanted to customize my avatar in a more detailed manner, but somehow, becoming my older self seemed to appeal to me, so I left it as it is.

Next, I opened the outfits category. Hundreds of holograms of outfits began to rotate around me.

It seems like I can choose from millions of pre-existing starter getups. I can even recognize some outfits here that originated from popular TV anime series and movies. That, or I can simply make my own.

As for my case I'll just pick something simple.

I picked a black adventurer's armor set with a hood and a symbol of a skull etched in it. As for my hands, I wore a simple fingerless glove with a built-in knuckles. As for my feet, I decided to pick something different: modern running shoes used by track-and-field athletes.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My clothes made me look like a hybrid of a standard anime protagonist and an assassin. It definitely does not look bad at all.

[This will do.]

I said to myself proudly.



I took a look in my status window.



The mechanics of is the same as most RPG games. However, it seems that the player character is not confined with one class only. Thus, potentially, I can switch between being a soldier, or an archer or a paladin, or whatever occupation that exists in this world.

Plus, it doesn't look like there is a point system in . After all, game mechanics like damage points, Health Points, Mana Points and the such are seen as outdated features in the realm of VR.

What the latest VR games actually do is simple: mimic reality itself. That's right. If you get stabbed or punched, it will hurt. You'll get incapacitated. Blood will flow out of your wound, and if the amount of blood becomes exceedingly low, you die.

If you want to be good with any weapon, you must practice it just like in real life. You want to be good with the sword? Learn the basics first then work your way up top until you can learn advanced sword techniques. You want to learn magic? You must first feel the mana inside you and harness it. Only then you can practice the art of magic.

Every skill in this world is unique for every player. You don't understand in detail how your magic attack works, but you can do it like flexing your own muscle to punch.

Like the game has advertised, the possibilities are endless, but not all possibilities can be reached by an average human.

[You are now ready, Crusader Saruquin. It has been five thousand years since I intervened in the affairs of my mortal creations. Since then, the skies have been quiet. There is no telling how the mortals would react when the skies shall thunder again at your descent.]

Kraniel then recited an unknown language. It took at least a minute. All of a sudden, the room shook and morphed violently into an incomprehensible form.


The gravity around me was going crazy as I instantly lost my orientation and balance. Everything around me was getting more transparent and blurry, well, except Kraniel himself.

[Fulfill your duty, Crusader, and good luck.]

He said to me one last time, then my vision was enveloped by a bright beam of light.