Like their hard working parents, they,too, had started to work hard and it was so impressive that their new habit was saving their hard earned money.
They seldom spend eating in fast food chains, instead, they cooked the dish they wanted to eat and devoured them with their parents, staff & their scorts/ bodyguards. They did it every Saturday during lunch time.
After eating, Ms Peace & Sydney were the dish washer. It was another form of their couple bonding moment. Their son & daughters went to their store with the two bodyguards. The driver & the other two female staff were having the siesta in their quarter.
The kitchen and the dining rooms were already very clean when the couple sat on the chair at their dining table when all of a sudden, Sydney's writhing because of his stomach ache &severe head ache. She'd talked to the intercom & called the driver who responded at once and was able to drive them in a hospital.
Known to their children, they followed by hiring a cab going to the hospital where their father was brought.Upon arriving in that place, Sydney chose a suite since he knew that their children would refuse to go home. What Ms. Peace did was to order the nanny to bring them foods and fresh clean clothes.
Sydney was like a child fretting to be going back home when he was relieved with his stomach ache and head ache. However, his wife was not convinced at all. Instead, she requested for a general check up by letting him undergone many laboratory test to be sure that there was no other health problem with him. It was also an opportunity for her husband to have rested and be relaxed. So, all their children refused to go to school while their father's still confined in a hospital.
With the tests, they had learned from the physician that he should decrease his weight and have a regular exercise aside from a rest to avoid an over fatigue and hypertension. His wife also requested a physical therapist for a body massage. It was the first time when she doted her husband which was a contrast to how he frequently doted on her.
With his sixty first age, not only his wife took care of him during his confinement. His children, were in rivalry to feed their father during meal time. To avoid their dispute, his wife gave them a schedule who should feed their father every meal time. During sanitation, it was the duty of Ms. Peace to attend to it as it's what their father had told them. Had Sydney failed to request before their children's ears, there could be another fight among the three. They were so insistent that his wife had to reprimand them before their fight had ended.
Ms. Peace emphasised that their father should not be stressed with the dispute they were creating. As a mother it's her obligation to lecture them on its effect as she wanted her husband to get well soon.
Ms. Peace who's fifteen years younger than her husband's only forty six years old that's why she's still very able to take care of him. Although he's still strong on his age, his children and his wife were fussing that they really gave him a royal treatment. Despite his refusal & protest about it, deep inside his heart, he was so elated as he felt their concern, care, love, and understanding.
Still young and a loving, caring wife & a very strict mother, she was able to point out that a rivalry among siblings would not give them a healthy relationship. She explained the advantages of the give & take relationship. Her emphasis on the importance of symbiotic relationship, its effect & cause were so convincing that they became resilient & submissive.
When they went home, they convinced him that they should teach them to form his inventions, step by step. His children were all ears and quick to follow what he told them. Sydney required them to have each of them assemble his inventions in his close supervision.
Each of them were given a number of days when to finish each item that they should make. These items were only the VEAS, ITVEAS and WITVEAS as they were the Patented inventions. Regarding the IBT/IST & SU, they did them, too but only to be kept and they should not be known to anyone outside their family as they were not patented. They were their secret safety gadgets to escape from an enmity that would possibly wanted to harm them like Volter Deogracias.
With the encouragement of their mother & the guidance of their father, the latter's inventions were completely learned by their three children. However, no matter how these parents discussed with them the disadvantages of rivalry, still both of them could still sense that it's existing among them.
Indeed, it became the foremost problem of Ms. Peace & Sydney, their parents. It should be discarded from their heart as it would greatly affect the production & the sharing of the income in the future.
Think...Discuss...Think...Discuss...These were the couple did the entire week in the study room when their children were already asleep.
It was Sunday when the couple asked their eldest daughter to be in the study room. They talked to her about their life when they would already be very old or even be gone here on earth. Could you do your responsibility being the eldest? How could you shall have shared all the inheritance that we'd be leaving for you all? What is equality?
Those were only some of the situational questions they asked her by which she had replied according to her opinion.
The following Sunday, in the study room the couple was talking to their second child no other than Ace Sydney. The same questions were asked to him in which, just like Adrianne May, his eldest sibling, he also answered them.
On the third Sunday, the youngest child, Pallas Athena was with the couple. They asked her the similar questions to their two eldest siblings. However, before the questions, she was asked to read some bible stories like 'The Prodigal Son' and 'The Parable of the Sower'. She was also asked about the adage,"United we stand, Divided we fall." Like her siblings, she's also asked to choose between a single midrib from a hundred midribs put/tied together to become a hard broom. Then she was asked why she chose the hard broom rather than the single midrib only.
When she was asked to relate it with the rationship of siblings like them in terms of sharing, the couple was very satisfied what she replied which was just like her two eldest siblings'.
After the individual dialogue with their children, they had their keen observation if the rivalry among them as siblings had still existed.
Little by little, day after day, week after week, month after month, the rivalry was completely gone among these three.
Eventually, they started to be helping each other when one had difficulty in making the products with supervision of their father.
They went on with their studies in their grade levels that they belonged and they also continued working at their store while they helped their old father create more products that were still sold not only in their country but also to the other countries as well.
Ace Sydney and Pallas Athena who were still very young were allowed by Sydney & his wife to play with the children of the occupants of their apartment.
In contrast, Adrianne May was focused on the college course that she would be taking up. Inspired with their products, she chose to take up Bachelor's Degree in Electronics Engineering Technology.
Pearl Ace May and Sydney who were her parents were hopeful that her choice of Electronic Eng. Technology would be of great help to the invention.
As a couple, they did never forget to be loving each other despite their duties & responsibilities both to their family and their work. Sydney remained to be the ever thoughtful caring husband just like Ms. Peace, his wife.
The only difference was Ms. Peace's too discreet expressing her love for Sydney while the latter would be so shameless in showing off his adoration and love for her.
Each of them was always open to tell her/his grievance to each other when there was any, argued about it, & would meet halfway. Even if they argued over something, at night on their bed they had never argued even once. Both of them enjoyed when their body & soul became one.
Sydney who knew that his age gap with his wife was fifteen years maintained his body to be healthy after his confinement in a hospital being very considerate with the needs of his wife.
On the other hand, Pearl Ace May was so frank telling her husband what she likes and dislikes including their sexual desires. She was no longer the woman whose inhibition was oftentimes strictly self-watched.
Sydney was also willingly obliged to give his wife the pleasure that he'd given her since the first time of their married life.
He enjoyed how his wife would give in to any sort of exploration that he would have suggested and requested from her.
Since the time they'd solved the rivalry among their children, they celebrated their success intimately in their room.