The War Faction

"Light, do you know how to use a gun?"

"Yes, but I think it's best if we pass the gun to Yukio, he is an expert marksman."

Surprised, she looked at Yukio in thought. Seeing her look, Light explained, "Our family was originally an Aikido family, so we are all taught martial arts at a young age. However, Yukio always feared confrontation and refused to fight, so I decided to teach him how to fight from afar instead. You don't need to be concerned about him handling a gun. He is as good as a professional. While his hand to hand combat may be a little weak, he can still defeat an amateur."

Hearing this, Aida felt assured. She knew that Light would be able to protect himself using Aikido and his years of training would surely have honed his senses well enough to dodge any fatal bullets. Yukio handling a gun would also provide an unexpected element of surprise that could be their secret weapon which could be fun. In reality, she did not need any element of surprise nor assistance but she may as well see what they're capable of.

"Okay, we only have three guns, so Yukio, Ace and myself will hold one each. Light, you will need to carry your younger brother, " ordered Aida.

Looking kindly at the cute Yukio, Aida said gently as she patted his head, "Yukio, make sure you hide that gun well. Only take it out if you absolutely need it."

Yukio nodded shyly but seriously, "Okay big sister, I will try my best."

"I need you to tell me you can do it, not just try your best. You need to protect your brother and big brother"

"Yes! Big sister, I can do it!" Yukio responded firmly with conviction.

Somehow, after seeing Light's memories, she felt a much greater connection with this cute, innocent child. She unknowingly began to treat Yukio somewhat as her own child.

Watching this scene, Light's eyes warmed significantly and his eyes began to tear up. His brothers had never known their mother. All the females in their family were evil who only wanted their inheritance, and some even tried to rape his brothers despite their young age. Aida was the closest resemblance to a mother that Yukio had ever seen.

Standing up, Aida turned towards the door and walked out. The guests were here.

Outside, there were 8 people walking towards the locker room. All handguns in their hands. As they saw Aida's group, they immediately yelled, "Put your hands up!

Sighing, Aida put her hands up and walked out into the open. The rest of the group followed suit, including Light who was carrying Rin. Xiao Ai was sitting happily on her head as if she were watching a fun show.

Since the apocalypse began, Aida has had far too many guns pointed at her. Before this, anyone who dared point a gun at her would surely be the first to die. 'This is really setting a bad precedence,' thought Aida. 'Maybe I should just start killing now.'

As she thought idly to herself, they walked out to the open. The man in front with a long beard who appeared to be their leader began his inquisition, "Who are you people? We haven't seen you before and you are definitely not from the War Faction with those children next to you. Are you from the Science Faction?"

"No, we are not from the Science Faction nor are we from the War Faction. We decided to travel alone."

Hearing this, the eyes of the 8 people from the War Faction changed. 3of the people immediately exchanged looks and turned cautious. In contrast, the other 5 had lewd and disgusting expressions on their faces.

Unfortunately for the group, the leader was one of the lewd stares. He arrogantly said, "A bunch of dead weights, either give us all your food and water or die. But girl, if you want to join the War Faction, we'd certainly welcome you." He said this as he licked his lips in anticipation.

Ace heard this and looked like he was going to bite them. He turned visibly red and immediately pulled out his gun and pointed it at the group, forgetting they were completely outnumbered.

Light stood on the side with his trademark calm expression while holding Rin. Yukio grasped the corner of Light's shirt tightly, but did not make a move. While he did not understand the insinuations coming from the War Faction, he was able to sense the animosity from their tone of voice.

She internally nodded her head in confirmation as she saw Light's calm expression. He had met her expectations. On the other hand, she rolled her eyes at Ace's impulsive decision. 'He needs more training', thought Aida with a glint in her eye.

Ace shivered as he saw her glint. He knew it meant nothing good for him or the War Faction. Ace's decision to take out his gun sealed their fate.

As expected, the War Faction also had their guns pointed at them. But before they could even open their mouth to threaten Aida, she shot 5 of the 8 men dead with 5 clean bullets through the head. "Coincidentally," the ones dead were the 5 who stared at her lewdly.

Seeing those who disrespected his Master dead, Ace's anger quickly morphed into excitement and adoration as he watched her shoot. He cheered her on like a fangirl on the sidelines shouting, "Go Master!"

Aida walked up to the remaining three, stroking her gun as she asked, "So, what do you three want to do?"