
Aida's eyes turned red in anger as she saw this scene, and she immediately used her superpower to kill off the gorilla man in one hit, stabbing him directly in the heart. Without turning her head back, she dashed over to Rin and stood in front of him.

Without the gorilla man preventing her from landing the heavier attacks on the other two, the fight became a lot easier. She quickly threw 10 knives towards the normal looking man while she dashed towards the librarian and slashed her across the neck. The librarian rolled her hair around her body as defense, but that was as weak as paper to the angry and superpowered Aida.

Finishing off the librarian, she turned her attention to the normal looking man who had injured Rin. She dashed towards him while dodging all his strikes. He was throwing spatial tears at her. She continued to throw knives at him, but he seemed to have grown accustomed to dodging them. Instead she pulled out her gun this time and fired a full clip at him. Despite having really powerful instincts, the Reaper did not expect her to pull out a gun and wasn't able to react in time. The Reaper had quick reflexes and a strong life force, despite being shot at close range, he was able to block most of the shots with his arms and legs.

Aida dashed up to him and swiftly chopped off his head. Without pause, she quickly turned back and ran to Rin to check on his condition. He was in very bad shape. Although her blood was able to heal him, the spatial tears continually created micro-tears within his body that could not be healed until the spatial tears were removed from his body. It was honestly a miracle he was still awake despite these injuries. She could only imagine the amount of pain he was in right now.

Helpless, Aida slashed her own wrist and directly fed Rin more of her blood in hopes that he could repair himself at a faster rate. She didn't know what to do in this situation.

At that moment, she also felt multiple strong killing intent directed towards her as well. Looking up, she saw that there were about 5 Reapers and many Enraged heading towards their direct. It seems the scent of the dead Reapers had brought them over. Her concern for Rin entirely made her forget about the implications of dead Reapers.

Rin was laying in Aida's arms while sweating bullets, he whispered to Aida weakly, "Go sister, it's okay. Please take care of my brothers for me. Please."

Aida's eyes gained a steely glint. "Absolutely not. We can fight through this."

Then she tied Rin onto her back and prepared to fight. They were entirely surrounded by the Enraged and Reapers, so it was too late to get out without fighting. Even if there were Reaper gems in front of them, the mob of Enraged and Reapers would always prioritize hunting the uninfected first.

For this reason, Aida went to collect all the gems from the dead Reapers and threw them into a jar. She collected it mainly out of spite. There was no way she would allow a mob that came to ambush them take away her hard won spoils and also kill her. She would either escape or die trying.

Rin was hanging on with a sliver of consciousness. Aida patted Rin reassuringly, and dashed towards the nearest Reaper. She had to use the shortest amount of time to take down as many as possible to carve a path out. Luckily, none of the Reapers in this group had elemental superpowers. They were just physically enhanced in different ways.

She continued to kill the Enraged while also keeping Reapers at bay. They were relentless in their attacks and pursuit. Eventually, there was no part of Aida's body that was intact, but Aida still made sure to protect Rin and keep anything from hitting him. Everytime there came a hit that she was unable to dodge, she was turning her body so it would hit her instead of Rin.

In fact, Aida could have easily escaped the situation if she were on her own. She could have turned on her nothingness state to lose most of the crowd and then released a massive EMP with her superpower and stunned the entire mob. However, because Rin didn't have the same ability and she couldn't keep Rin out of the blast radius, she was forced to continue fighting by hand. She knew that if she hit Rin with an electric blast, he would surely die given how poor the condition of his body was.

Rin, who was on her back, began to feel despair. He was ultimately still a 10 year old kid who was just starting to live life. He was terrified about the situation, but was also aware that Aida was doing everything in her power to keep him alive.

Soon, Aida was overrun by the mob of Enraged and Reapers. She moved Rin off her back and directly hugged him as the mob repeatedly attacked them. None of the hits reached Rin but Rin could feel Aida's blood soaked body as she hugged him tightly.

Desperate and helpless, Rin remembered the black gem that Aida had given him earlier. She said that he was absolutely not allowed to eat it unless he was in an impossible situation. She had also warned him that even though the gem might give him powers, he could also die from it.

Despite knowing this, Rin unhesitatingly popped the gem into his mouth and swallowed. Even this motion was extremely painful for him as the spatial tears in him continued to wreck his body, but he didn't mind as he desperately wanted to save this sister that he had only known for a couple days.

To him, she had become the motherly figure that he never had in his life. He had brought happiness to him and his brothers that they had never seen before.

Swallowing the pill with struggle, a strong power suddenly burst out from him propelling him out of Aida's grasp.

"No!!!" screamed Aida.