Rin Disappears Again

The next morning, everyone woke up and got ready, doing their usual routine. However, something was different. Light called out to Rin, "Rin! Wake up, we have to get going!"

Rin was usually fairly lazy in the mornings, so nobody paid it much mind when Rin didn't reappear from the shadows. However, as time went on and Rin didn't show up, everyone began getting worried.

Aida checked her scan and was shocked to find that Rin had disappeared! She had set alerts on her scan for when anyone outside of her group entered her range, but neglected to properly track the people within her group.

Notifying everyone, she ran off with her scan on maximum to try to find Rin within the shortest time. It was extremely dangerous for him to have disappeared on his own.

On the side, Light was also extremely worried. Biting his lip until it bled, he forced himself to focus. There had to be some way for him to track his brother down. Then his eyes lit up, he could use the threads within his mind to determine which one was connected to his brother and follow it.

Abruptly sitting down, he began to meditate. The first step was to identify which thread led to his brother. There were thousands of threads tangled up and it would not be an easy task. However, given that he had an extremely strong connection to his two brothers, and they were also identical twins, he figured the easiest method would be to focus on Yukio first.

Opening his eyes, he called Yukio over to sit down with him. Holding his hands, Light immersed himself in his mindscape as he used his consciousness to determine which strand was Yukio's. After determining that, he ran around his mindscape looking for a similarly thick strand that had a positive and energetic vibe to it.

After a while, he soon came across a dark colored strand that had a happy disposition that seemed to directly contrast it's color. Looking at it, he stretched his hand out to touch it. Immediately, he felt an overwhelming amount of emotions entering him.

Prior to this, he had never attempted to touch a strand, but rather moved each strand with his mind. Now that he had touched it, he was immediately able to confirm that this was his brother, Rin. While intrigued by this curious new ability, now was not the time to explore it. He quickly checked the direction that the strand pointed in and then his eyes flashed open in real life. Calling out to Aida, he told her which direction to search in.

Aida's eyes flashed with curiosity, but quickly suppressed the thoughts and charged in the direction that Light had pointed her towards. She didn't know how he had determined this piece of information, but she knew that he would never joke with his brother's life.


Meanwhile, Rin had just woken up from a great night's sleep. He had wonderful dreams about continuing to eat s'mores, camping, and even fishing. Drool was running down the side of his face.

Rubbing his eyes, he re-emerged from the shadows while stretching his arms. Yawnnnnn! "Good morning bro, big bro, big sis, Xiao Ai, scary man and doggy." Rin wasn't fond of using people's real names, so he created nicknames for everyone in the group.

Opening his eyes, he saw a pair of luminous moon-like eyes staring back at him.

"AHHH," Rin screamed as he scuttled back. He entirely forgot that he had powers that he could use to hide back into the shadows.

As he gained a small amount of distance, he noticed the pair of luminous eyes belonged to a little Reaper boy that looked around 10 years old in very dirty ripped clothes. The Reaper boy didn't move as he remained at the same spot watching Rin curiously.

Seeing that the Reaper boy didn't appear to want to attack him, Rin slowly calmed down. He continued to stare cautiously while trying to recall what happened. The last thing he remembered was being told to sleep in the shadows and then when he woke up, he was in a different location with a Reaper staring at him. The information he had was absolutely useless!

Looking around, Rin tried to determine which way he came from. He wanted to get back to his family. Everything in the area looked completely the same. Any ordinary child would have started crying in fear at this point in time. Fortunately, Rin's personality was not one to worry about the details. His natural carefree personality allowed him to just take things as they came. Seeing that he couldn't determine which direction to go, he would just pick a random direction and head that way.

Focusing, he resubmerged into the shadow as he began travelling in a direction. To his surprise, as he moved, the Reaper boy followed as well. At first, Rin thought it was a coincidence, so he stopped and changed directions. But as he did, the Reaper boy did as well.

Sighing, he re-emerged from the shadows, saying to the Reaper boy, "I need to go home to my family, you should go back to your home too."

Hearing this, the Reaper boy cocked his head to the side and opened his mouth saying in disjointed words as though struggling to get the words out, "Bro….ther…..Fam….ly….Stay.."

Rin's eyes widened in surprise. "You can talk? Can you understand me??"

Unfortunately, the Reaper boy just continued to repeat those words without responding to Rin.


At this point, Aida had finally caught sight of Rin's presence along with the white dot that she had noticed before. She immediately sped up to reach them. At the moment, she couldn't sense any fear from Rin, but who knew what the actual situation was!