Double Decker Retrofitted Bus Turned RV

Nodding, Aida took Little White by the hand and led him towards the RV. Xiao Ai had adopted the position of sitting atop Little White's head. It was a funny sight as she had grown significantly larger after consuming the electricity. She made Little White look like a mushroom. Little White was inherently stronger and didn't seem to mind the weight at all.

Reaching the double decker RV, Aida walked around inspecting each nook and cranny. She also used her scan to check the internal components of the RV to make sure nothing was broken. To her surprise, they wouldn't need to do much renovations to this RV afterall. It already came with a 600 Liter tank of water, bathroom and shower. Underneath, there was also room to store other items as well. After a quick run through, she nodded and they all walked into the car [1]. It was a nice set up.

The interior reminded Aida of the nice overnight trains. The first floor had a nice wooden floor. At the entrance, there was a small table along with a kitchen area. The table was made of nice mahogany wood and the kitchen had a great marble counter with 4 stoves and a dish rack. There were many drawers available to place different appliances and utensils. Additionally, an open space was left for the refrigerator and microwave. At the back of the RV, there was a bathroom and an open area with a giant flat screen t.v. Aida took in all the details excitedly, she knew exactly what she would do with this area. When they reached the mall, she intended to get a tatami mat and tatami table to put in front of the t.v. This could be their meeting area as well as the dining table.

Walking upstairs, the flooring had been changed to carpet. She saw that there was an open space up front with just two viewing seats, clearly remnants from when it was a bus. In the middle, there were 2 rooms with individual doors and a shower room at the back. Each room had AC and were stocked with bunk beds. Because it was formerly a bus, there were giant windows that made the space feel a lot less cramped. Additionally, there was a skyroof for Yukio to use for sniping if necessary.

There were a few modifications that needed to be made. She would need to install a grill with protrusions at the front of the bus to allow it to bulldoze anything in its path, install a better seated location for Yukio to occupy while sniping, replace the windows with bullet proof glass, and replace the tires with more durable ones to ensure they don't get a flat.

All in all, most of the components she was looking for were already there. The RV also came unfurnished so she was excited to go on a shopping spree when they arrived at the mall. She was excited to decorate this bus as well.

Walking back out, Little White was still standing outside staring blankly at the van. He didn't enter with Aida. She went to grab new clothes from the jeep and brought Little White to the bathroom to get cleaned up and changed again. Then she led him by the hand into the RV and sat him down on a bench. He quietly sat there as Xiao Ai continued to chatter on, not at all minding that he wasn't responding.

Everyone else was helping move their original items into the van and soon they were ready to set off again. Next stop, the Mall!!

Lucifer cautiously drove the double decker RV to the mall. He was unaccustomed to driving something so large, so he drove rather slowly. They reached the mall with no issues at all with the convenient amplified scan ability Aida+Xiao Ai had along with Little White's ability to keep Enraged away.

Aida mentally decided that she would also assign Ace to driving duty from now on. His fighting performance has been less than stellar, but surely he could still drive in a straight line without causing trouble. She was relatively sure that his poor ability to follow instructions before was largely due to his fear of getting on planes, not actually being bad at directions.

Everyone quickly acquainted themselves with the room with great excitement. Their quality of living would be top notch now! The kids all ran upstairs and began happily rolling on the carpet. Xiao Ai saw that it was fun and began tumbling around as well shouting "Wheeee!" She looked like a baseball that kept rolling around the floor. Little White stood in a corner, watching with confusion. Noticing his confusion, they quickly pulled him down as well to roll around.

They each selected a room to sleep in. The kids insisted on sleeping with Aida, so they took one room. The guys would have to take the second room and work out who would sleep where. Given that they still had to take shifts, it wasn't too big a deal that they didn't have enough beds. Additionally, after Aida adds the tatami on the first floor, someone could sleep there as well.

The adults decided to leave the kids to watch the RV while they went out to the mall to grab everything they needed. Having seen Little White's abilities, Aida felt assured with leaving Xiao Ai and the boys to their new little brother. They also decided to leave Ace manning the RV in case they had to drive away, afterall, he wouldn't be able to help fight in the mall anyway.

[1] Here's an example of the double decker bus retrofitted into an RV. It's super nice!!