Too Easy

Light and the twins quickly made their way down an alley and met their opponent who was wandering aimlessly on the street. It was a physical enhancement Reaper who wore a tattered female high school uniform. It appears she had just left school right before getting infected.

Light ordered, "Move out." They had already developed a systematic method of fighting that was achieved over many years of practicing aikido together, allowing their strength to compound.

Yukio mumbled, "Sorry sister, we can't let you hurt anyone anymore." With that, he stopped a block away, aiming his guns at her.

Rin, who couldn't wait to go into battle, dashed towards her excitedly. Noticing Rin, the schoolgirl Reaper swiped her hand at him. She missed Rin but hit a pole instead, which was immediately chopped in half. Her nails were enhanced to become extremely sharp. Just as Rin reached her, Yukio decisively pulled the trigger and a bullet went straight through her neck and she fell.

Rin saw this and immediately stomped in protest, "Brother!! You were supposed to let me fight! Don't KS!"

"Heh~ you snooze you lose brother." Yukio responded smugly.

Shaking his head at the twin's usual antics, Light quickly stabbed her heart and acquired the gem. He was also surprised at how easily this girl was killed, but after some thought, realized that it made sense. Her specific enhancement was not focused on strengthening the muscles, but rather sharpening her nails.

After putting the gem away, he studied the girl and chopped off her nails. Reporting back to Aida who was surprised at how quickly they finished their opponent, she gave them new directions.

A similar scene was happening with Lucifer. Aida had decided to give him the lower level elementals to practice against to start with. As former special forces, he already had the requisite hand to hand combat training, so her focus was on improving his telekinetic abilities. She wanted him to draw inspiration from how other elementals controlled their abilities and mimic them.

He had been practicing non stop since they left base and could now control 5 small items. As he faced the water elemental before him, the 5 rusted nails he acquired from the car shop rotated around him shot speedily towards the elemental. To his surprise, the elemental seemed to have sensed the attack as it approached and manipulated the water to slow the rusted nails, allowing the elemental to dodge in time. Only one of the nails succeeded in producing a slight cut on his face. The elemental quickly charged towards Lucifer in anger.

Lucifer stood there calmly without moving as the elemental approached. He focused on retrieving the rusted nails from behind the elemental and successfully pierced the elemental from behind, killing it. He realized that he not only needed to have good control, but also strong reaction speed and strength. If he could coat the items with some poison or anesthesia that could affect the Reapers, it would be even more effective. He made a mental note to look for such items when they stopped by a pharmacy.

Meanwhile, Aida had decided that she would turn this into a training opportunity for Xiao Ai and Little White instead. There was no meaning in her trying to fight these low level Reapers. She spent time teaching Xiao Ai how to use her electric discharge as a control skill. Xiao Ai was in charge of shocking the opponents from afar so they couldn't move, and then Little White was to run up and dismember them.

Xiao Ai was not entirely familiar with how to use her skills and often couldn't aim properly, so Little White would constantly have to jump away to dodge the lightning. Aida was lucky enough to have the same skill, so she wasn't harmed by the lightning at all.

Aida brought a machete to the fight and would use each opponent they encountered to demonstrate to Little White what she wanted him to do. It took some time before he could understand what his role in the fight was, but he eventually understood that Aida wanted him to strike the Reapers after Xiao Ai froze them and began doing it with high efficiency.

They continued this cycle of killing for a while until it was finally lunch time. Regrouping at the RV, everyone washed their hands and eagerly chowed down on the sandwiches. They were absolutely starving after using their powers continuously.

Once they finished, Light brought out the nails that he chopped from the schoolgirl Reaper's hands. He had washed and cleaned them when they returned, they looked a lot like claws. Handing them to Lucifer, he explained that they seemed to be a good fit for his power.

Lucifer inspected the nails with interest and used his telekinetic abilities to levitate two of the claws. Shooting them towards the nearest pole, it directly sliced the pole in half and almost landed on the RV. Aida glared at him while Lucifer looked back with a sheepish smile. He quickly thanked Light and pocketed the other 8 nails.

Aida knocked on the table to get their attention. They all turned at the same time and noticed that Aida's glint had returned. "Now that we are all familiar with Reapers, we need to increase our efficiency. The fight's been too easy so far."

Her plan was actually pretty simple, Rin and Aida would circle around the area and attract the Reapers to a designated location while everyone else was in charge of ambush. Rin and Aida were in charge of luring the victims to the location.

Soon after they took off, they returned with a string of 5 level 1 Reapers each. Most of them were strength type with only one of them being a metal elemental.

Calling out, Aida said, "I'll take the elemental! You all take care of the rest."

Yukio responded immediately from his vantage point on the building rooftop, shooting down at the Reapers to separate the metal elemental. Aida didn't turn around, but waved her hand in thanks as she leaped towards the metal elemental. Atop the building, Yukio grinned in response.

The others immediately got into formation to fight against the Reapers. Yukio would suppress the oncoming Reapers along with Xiao Ai. The two of them were responsible for ensuring that nobody got hurt and to keep other Reapers from ambushing them. Fortunately Xiao Ai's aim had improved slightly since the morning, so none of her allies were hit. Light and Rin fought with hand to hand combat while Lucifer fought with the nails that Light provided him with.

The fight ended quickly. Aida was a little surprised by the efficacy of this team, Little White didn't even need to do anything.

Thinking about it, she understood why they were able to fight the Reapers with relative ease. Originally, she had been very focused on the growth rate of the Reapers but forgot to account for the fact that her team was full of elite fighters and they were continuing to grow as well. They had also begun absorbing the gems which seemed to have made a noticeable change in their overall strength. Once all their team had become Variants, they would be a nearly unstoppable force.