Breaking into the Lab

Lucifer had walked straight to the bar. There was no better place to gather gossip than bars. Outside, there were many females of different ages and stature lined up along the side in very revealing clothes. During these hard times, females often fell victim to rape and/or sold their own body for survival. He didn't judge them for making this decision as it was theirs to make, but still… it was a pity.

Lucifer calmly sat down at a vacant table and waited for a waiter to show up. The people in the room seemed to notice that Lucifer wasn't from the base but made no move to approach him or kick him out as they continued chatting. It seems this base was still growing in population as more Enraged evolved into Variants and found this location.

Shortly after, a proud looking teenager with orange hair walked in with guards and looked around. His eyes immediately honed in on Lucifer and he signaled for his guards to surround him. Approaching Lucifer, he demanded, "Hey you. Move."

Lucifer looked up at the teenager with a slight smile on his face. He found it a little funny that even a little pipsqueak like him had the gall to speak to him like this. "Who are you?"

The teenager threw his head back and laughed out loud like a standard villain. At this point, everyone in the bar had turned silent and watched the drama unfold. He puffed his chest out as he said, "I am the son of Terrance Livingston."

Hearing this name, Lucifer's eyes lit up. This was a name he hadn't heard in a long time. "Who is Terrance on this base?"

"Impudence! How dare you speak the base leader's name," shouted one of the teenager's guards.

Ignoring the shout, Lucifer stood up and said, "Boy, let's go find your father. It's time to greet an old friend."


Aida in her nothingness state travelled past the market and towards the restricted areas of the base. She was curious to see what the researchers on base had discovered. Following the map, it led her to an area in the outskirts of the base. There were very few people visible from the outside, but when she scanned the building, she saw there were a number of hidden guards surrounding the building and a few Reapers located in the building itself. Seeing this, she knew she came to the right place.

She stood there in the shadows, contemplating the best way to get in. It wouldn't be too difficult to just kill all the guards, but that would go against her intent to stay low key.

Turning to the invisible Little White, she asked hopefully, "Can you make me invisible too?"

There was no response from Little White. He didn't seem to understand what she was asking.

It was worth a try. She turned back to look at the guards as her eyes narrowed slightly, "I guess there's only one method left."

Using her scan, she was able to identify the generator for the building. She had Xiao Ai suck up all the electricity for the nearby buildings. Xiao Ai happily hummed a song as she did this, quickly growing in size. Soon, instead of wearing a neck scarf, Aida had a furry shawl instead. Aida watched on the side and thought, 'This glutton was enjoying herself too much.'

Despite her complaints, she still allowed Xiao Ai to enjoy herself. After sucking up the energy, Xiao Ai then discharged a large amount of the other buildings powers into the lab building. The increased electricity overloaded the system and caused a lot of fuses to break, creating sparks to fly throughout the building.

The people from the other buildings had already walked out of their buildings in wonder. Soon, the scientists from the lab also ran out due to the sparks caused by the power overload.

Aida casually mixed in with the confused scientists, stole one of their badges and slipped into the lab building while the guards were distracted. She knew Little White didn't like crowds, so she had him stay at the rooftop of a different building to wait for her return.

The first thing she did when she got in was drop Xiao Ai off at the nearest laptop. The lab building had a backup generator for the building which saved them a lot of trouble. Xiao Ai was in charge of downloading all the data that the scientists had collected, while Aida would walk through the lab building and see first hand what the scientists had been experimenting on.

Wandering through the halls, the place looked like it was formerly a vacant hospital. She walked by many rooms full of equipment. Passing through the hallways, she noticed there were a lot of fight marks and residual blood in certain rooms. It seems these scientists chose to take on the less ethical approach for their experimentation. Aida's nose wrinkled in distaste.

Using her scan, she found the room with the Reapers. Looking in, there was a white room with endless rows of hospital beds. Each body was chained up with restraints and had an IV bag inserted. To her surprise, the beds didn't just chain up Reapers but also Variants.

Aida tapped her chin as she thought. 'Hm.. it looks like there's something dirty going on here after all...'

The room was silent with only the heartbeat monitors sounding in the background. Beep, beep beep.

It looked a lot like a scene from a horror movie where the protagonist walked through an asylum and some creepy creature would pop out and attack them. However, Aida was unaffected by this creepy vibe as she took steady steps into the room. Walking past each "patient," she read the files next to their beds.